Need garden improvements? 6 low-maintenance plants that require minimal care

See which 6 low-maintenance plants are some of the best. <i>(Image: Getty)</i>
See which 6 low-maintenance plants are some of the best. (Image: Getty)

As the weather (at long last) starts to resemble something close to summer, Brits up and down the country will be eyeing up their gardens.

Letting the garden overgrow or become somewhat neglected is natural, but were you aware you could simply let the garden look after itself?

There are a few plants out there that, if planted, could easily grow independently without too much fuss.

The 6 most low-maintenance plants to grow:

The following is as recommended by


Compared to the digging involved in planting potted shrubs and perennials, bulbs are easy. There are loads to grow, for flowers to fill the best part of a year. As well as spring-flowering crocus, daffodils and snowdrops, grow summer-flowering alliums and lilies. You can extend the season further by planting autumn crocus and nerines for a splash of colour before winter.


For the most part, wildflowers are grown to look just that – wild – so there's no need to tidy and deadhead as much as you would with ornamental flowers. A wildflower seed mix scattered over some bare soil will soon erupt into a colourful display.

Recommended reading:


Need a low-maintenance hedge? Consider slower-growing evergreens like holly and yew. Plus, you'll never be short of decorative sprigs to snip and use around the house at Christmas.

Ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses are an easy win, bringing with them a host of benefits, including pest and disease resistance. For year-round colour, try evergreen ornamentals like Nassella tenuissima and Stipa gigantea.


Fruit and veg plants are often considered too laborious to grow and for some this is true, but fruits like strawberries just need a little tidy up in spring. Find more low-maintenance fruit and veg crops to grow.