Gemma Collins narrowly avoids falling in the sea in bottle cap challenge fail


Gemma Collins is the latest celebrity to take on the bottle cap challenge, but her effort nearly turned to disaster as she came close to stumbling off a yacht and into the sea.

The reality TV star is currently on a luxury holiday aboard a yacht, and after her recent three-stone weight loss, it seemed like the perfect time to take on the challenge that’s going viral on social media.

With the aim of deftly kicking a lid off a bottle of water using a well-placed roundhouse kick, a swimsuit-clad Collins gave the move her best shot.

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But unfortunately, her Instagram post shows her losing her balance on the deck of the yacht and stumbling towards the sea, where luckily she was saved by a barrier.

However Collins, who’s game for a laugh and worked on her balance during her appearance on Dancing on Ice earlier this year, gave it another go and just about managed it.

The bottle cap challenge was first made famous by Taekwondo fighter Farabi Davletchin, who posted a video of himself roundhouse kicking a bottle open.

It inspired Jason Statham, Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, Ryan Reynolds and Ellie Goulding to all have a turn, and now Collins can join their ranks.

Read more: Gemma Collins still in touch with Arg during US soul-searching break

The Towie star has transformed her figure since taking part in Dancing on Ice, and recently revealed that she’s had a helping hand from taking appetite suppressants as well as hitting the gym on a regular basis.

She is also said to be back with on-off boyfriend James “Arg” Argent after the pair were spotted together on a beach break in Sicily in June.

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