Giant Deadly Jellyfish With 150ft Tentacles Are On Their Way To Sweltering Britain

With the UK finally getting a decent spell of boiling hot summer sunshine, you’d think it was all good news for Brits who have suffered weeks of rain.

However, one downside of temperatures of 30C is that the heat will attract giant killer jellyfish to our shores.

Millions of Brits will no doubt head to the beach to take a dip in the ocean to cool off over the next few weeks but they could be met by the unwelcome sight of the deadly Portuguese man o’ war jellyfish.

And not only are these fearsome sea creatures able to deliver an extremely painful sting that can kill - but their tentacles can reach lengths of 150ft.

This means that they can stretch out to sting even if you’re swimming a fair distance away from them.

Summer’s here: Brits heading to the beach may be in for a nasty surprise (Rex)

Experts from the Marine Conservation Society said that they are attracted to Uk shores by the sudden increase in temperatures.

Dr Peter Richardson said: ”Our national jellyfish survey suggests significant recent rises in the numbers of jellyfish species in UK seas.“

Anyone stung by the man o’ war will suffer severe pain and can cause an allergic reaction that could be deadly if the venom seeps through to a persons’ lymph nodes.

The species are responsible for around 10,000 human stings in Australia ever summer and the pain is usually treated with salt water and acetic acid.

Man o’ war tentacles often detach from their bodies and drift for days before stinging an unlucky swimmer.

Top pic: Rex