Giovanna Lewis - Independent candidate: Why should you vote for me in South Dorset?

Giovanna Lewis, Independent Parliamentary candidate for South Dorset <i>(Image: Giovanna Lewis)</i>
Giovanna Lewis, Independent Parliamentary candidate for South Dorset (Image: Giovanna Lewis)

Ahead of the general election on Thursday, July 4, the candidates for South and West Dorset have spoken to The Echo about why they should get your vote.

Giovanna Lewis, Independent parliamentary candidate for South Dorset:

"I am an Independent (Socialist) Candidate - mother and grandmother - living in South Dorset

"I believe there is enough for everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed.

"I campaign to keep Dorset's NHS services, stop Portland's proposed incinerator, end the carnage in Gaza - and work for a cohesive community where bridges are built between residents, asylum seekers and refugees.

"The right people, with the right intention, in the right place can ensure we leave behind a safe, secure and sustainable world for our children and grandchildren!"