Marcus White - Independent candidate: Why should you vote for me in West Dorset?

Marcus White, Independent Parliamentary candidate for West Dorset <i>(Image: Everyone is God)</i>
Marcus White, Independent Parliamentary candidate for West Dorset (Image: Everyone is God)

Ahead of the general election on Thursday, July 4, the candidates for South and West Dorset have spoken to The Echo about why they should get your vote.

Marcus White, Independent parliamentary candidate for West Dorset:

"I am the leader of Britain's newest political party Everyone is God.

"We are a radical party that has over 30 policies which fundamentally solve all problems in British politics and society.

"If you are in any doubt about this we invite you to read them on our website and decide for yourself.

"All our policies seek to get to the root cause of the issues we have, and solve them permanently for ever.

"By voting me into parliament, you will have a new voice to speak out for change.

"For example I will ask for all MP, party, and government institution bank accounts to be made publicly visible so that there is no possibility of corruption in government.

"I will say things that have never been said, and challenge the current system, in order to bring about the fundamental changes we need that solve problems at their root."