Glasgow hotel in bid to expand into car park

Generic image of Premier Inn
Generic image of Premier Inn

A Glasgow hotel is in a bid to expand into a car park behind it.

Premier Inn on Hamilton Road in the East End submitted a planning application to add 22 new rooms to the building.

According to the proposal, this would be done by adding a new wing to the existing hotel.

The two-storey addition would take away from the car park behind the structure.

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Proposed site (Image: Sourced)

Existing site (Image: Sourced)

Currently, it has 66 spaces, which would be reduced to 25 if the plans go ahead.

Documents also reveal the company's intention to convert four existing bedrooms into "breakfast rooms" as part of the development.

Glasgow City Council planning officials are reviewing the application and a decision is expected by Friday, August 16.

The last day for comments is Thursday, July 18.