Glastonbury Festival goers met with a scorching first day

Sunset over Glastonbury Tor. <i>(Image: Mike Jefferies)</i>
Sunset over Glastonbury Tor. (Image: Mike Jefferies)

GLASTONBURY can expect a scorching 27°C first day at the festival on Wednesday, and forecasts suggest a dry weekend ahead.

The Met Office predicts a high of 20°C for the rest of the festival, with sunny skies on Sunday.

The coolest temperature that crowds will likely endure is 11°C on Friday evening.

Thursday will bring partial cloud, highs of 19°C, and lows of 13°C. Friday and Saturday will see significant cloud cover, hopefully protecting unprepared punters from getting too sunburnt.

While there are no guarantees, no washout is expected this year with only a 40% chance of rain forecast on Thursday morning from 9am to 11am.

Headliner Dua Lipa will play to crowds in a cool 13°C late Friday evening, while Coldplay will follow on Saturday evening with temperatures no higher than 18°C, falling to lows of 14°C.

Shania Twain will perform during the legend's slot on Sunday afternoon, with temperatures expected to be around 19°C during her set.

Hay fever sufferers are advised that the pollen count is 'very high' or 'high' for the entire festival, as forecast by the Met Office.