Grandad who killed wife then went to Costa for cup of tea jailed for six years

Stuart Robertson
-Credit: (Image: Merseyside Police)

A grandad who killed his wife then went to Costa Coffee for a cup of tea has been jailed for six years.

Stuart Robertson strangled his partner Dawn to death aged 62 before placing a crucifix in her lifeless hands, taking a bus into St Helens town centre and handing himself in to the police after "pausing for a cup of tea" at the coffee shop. He told a jury during his trial at Liverpool Crown Court that he that he had attacked his spouse after "feeling a burning anger and rage" when she told him his son was not his.

The 69-year-old was unanimously cleared of murder yesterday afternoon, but returned to the same court this morning, Thursday, to be sentenced having admitted the lesser charge of manslaughter. Robertson nodded as he was handed his prison term, of which he must serve at least two thirds before becoming eligible for release on licence, and mouthed the words "thank you" as he was led down to the cells.

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Sentencing, the Honorary Recorder of Liverpool Judge Andrew Menary KC said: "You killed her by strangling her during a violent assault in the early afternoon of the 15th of November 2023. Having fatally injured her, you laid out her body and then you went to the local police station and confessed to what you had done.

"Of course, there is a background and a context to these tragic events and the jury heard in some detail about the nature of your relationship with your wife, how the marriage which was happy at first and produced two children steadily deteriorated over many years - principally because of the abuse of alcohol. It seems that Dawn was a delightful person when sober, but a horrible person after she had had a drink.

"For many years you both struggled with alcohol, and this created an atmosphere in which there were many arguments - often aggressive in their tone with some physical violence on both sides. There came a point more than a decade ago when you stopped drinking, but sadly Dawn never did.

"The evidence is that most of the arguments were started by your wife, and those consisted of her repeatedly and continuously belittling and undermining you. There were dozens of callouts to the police, but most of these I am sure involved exaggerated or false complaints by Dawn against you.

"There were occasions when you used more serious violence against your wife in response to her abuse. I am satisfied that it only happened as a result of serious provocation but I am also sure that it involved, on occasions, you putting your hands around her throat.

"Some of these occasions were witnessed by your children, and I am sure that you deliberately lied in your evidence when you said that you had never used such violence and were still lying when later you said you could not remember doing such a thing. But I accept that there was no recent violence and what there was had a context.

"There was evidence of domestic abuse throughout the marriage involving controlling and coercive behaviours, resulting in isolation from family and friends and with constant and fairly unrelenting abuse. You gave an account of your wife using particularly nasty abuse towards you just before you attacked her, including a reference to Michael not being your son.

"I have real doubts about whether these particular words were ever used. Clearly something provoked you to do what you did and it is likely that Dawn did do or say something typically unpleasant and cruel, but I doubt it included a reference to Michael not being your son.

"It was revealed just before this trial started, probably because you felt it could make a difference. You are intelligent enough to work that out.

"Nothing like this had ever been suggested by Dawn previously, despite the frequency of her vicious invective, and there was nothing to indicate that she had ever been unfaithful to you. If those words were said, this was just more vile nonsense uttered by this drunken woman who regularly made your life a misery.

"I am satisfied that the correct basis for sentence is that you did have the necessary intention for the offence of murder, but that the killing was the result of your loss of control in circumstances where there was a sufficient trigger and your response was justifiable.

"I do not accept that there was, in the circumstances, a very high degree of provocation. Dawn Robertson was, to an extent, a vulnerable, slightly built, pathetic drunk who represent no threat to you and who was killed in her own home."

Stuart Robertson
Stuart Robertson -Credit:Merseyside Police

Peter Glenser KC told a jury of four men and eight women during the prosecution's opening last week that Robertson had been seen on CCTV withdrawing £500 in cash at a Morrisons Daily store near to their home on Cannon Street in St Helens at around 12.20pm on November 15 last year. He was then captured on camera again shortly after 2.45pm as he boarded an Arriva bus into the town centre.

Wearing a change of clothing, the dark garments he had been seen wearing earlier now replaced by a fluorescent jacket and a bucket hat, he disembarked the service at 3.20pm near to Church Square Shopping Centre then "paused for a cup of tea" at a branch of Costa Coffee. Shortly before 3.45pm, Robertson entered St Helens Police Station and confessed that he had "snapped" and strangled his wife to death after she had been abusive to and shouted at him.

Mr Glenser said: "On the 15th of November last year, the defendant, Stuart Robertson, strangled his wife. Having done so, he placed her head upon a cushion, folded her arms and put a crucifix into her hands.

"Pausing only for a cup of tea at Costa, he made his way to St Helens Police Station and walked into the enquiry office. He asked to speak to someone in private and was taken into a private room.

"Once there, he admitted killing his wife. He told the police that he had left the house that day to run an errand for his wife.

"She had sent him to a cashpoint to collect some money. When he got back, his wife was abusive.

"She shouted at him. He told the officers that his wife was an alcoholic and she often behaved in that way.

"He went onto say that something had snapped. He had grabbed her by the throat and squeezed, he said that he had strangled her.

"The officer described him as being emotional, very quietly spoken and shaky. The police went to the home address. It was well kept, it was neat and it was tidy.

"They found Mrs Robertson unconscious and not breathing. She was in the living room, lying on the floor on her back covered with a blanket with her hands across her chest and the crucifix in her hands."

A post-mortem investigation subsequently concluded a cause of death of "compression of the neck and strangulation". Under interview, Robertson gave a prepared statement in which he accepted killing his wife but said he had "simply lost control".

Mr Glenser described their relationship as "deeply troubled", with Mrs Robertson said to have been an alcoholic who was "frequently verbally aggressive" towards her husband. Merseyside Police were called to their house on "many, many occasions", with various "false allegations" being made against him while she was drunk.

Robertson said on the witness box that she had been "abusive and aggressive" towards him and said her behaviour "steadily got worse". He told jurors that their relationship was "breaking down" in the early part of 2023 and added: "I stayed in my room all day and my wife stayed downstairs, we hardly had any contact."

The retired warehouse manager stated his wife, who he married in 1986 and had two children with, would drink "between two and two-and-a-half bottles" of brandy per day and said he had planned to move out of the marital address following a spell in hospital during February and April 2023. His counsel Stanley Reiz KC asked him during his evidence: "Was your relationship much the same throughout the following months, leading up to the 15th of November?"

Robertson said: "It became a daily occurrence of abuse. If she was sober when I got up at 9 o'clock she’d say good morning, that was the best that I ever got from her."

The defendant said of the morning before Mrs Robertson's death: "She was downstairs in the living room. She’d been there since about 7am. I’d heard her go downstairs. When I got up in the morning she had a drink in her hand, a glass of brandy.

"She said you’d better get the £500 out of your account, as I was due a winter fuel payment. I checked it and it hadn’t gone in."

Mr Reiz enquired "how she had responded", and Robertson stated: "That I was a f***ing liar, s*** and worthless, scum of the Earth, lowest of the low, that sort of behaviour. She was angry.

"I think I said it's not my fault that it's not gone in. Her response was, 'I don't care, you said you'd give me that money'.

"I knew in part that she wanted it for alcohol, but other than that I didn’t know. She told me I'd have to go up to the ATM and draw money out of her account, but when the money went into my account I'd have to transfer it to her.

"I just said ok. It was better than what would have happened, which would have been more abuse."

Robertson said that when he returned home from withdrawing the money, his wife was "still sat in the chair with a glass in her hand". He added: "I walked into the living room and I said 'I've got your money'.

"She carried on with abuse about how useless and worthless I was. Piece of s***, scum, I shouldn’t have to do this, it should have come out of your f***ing bank account, you’re not worth a penny."

Robertson appeared to become emotional and started crying at this stage. Mr Reiz asked: "How were you feeling when she had abused you?"

The defendant said: "Fed up of it. She got up out of the chair and came towards me.

"She said 'you’re nothing but a f***ing slave to me, you live here because I let you live here, you’ll do exactly what I say, have you got me or have you f***ing got me', something like that."

He reported that he told Mrs Robertson he was "off to [their son] Michael's", adding: "That was where I went when things started escalating. She said why the f*** are you going round there again? He’s not even your f***ing son."

Mr Reiz asked: "Had she ever said anything like that to you before?"

Robertson replied: "No."

Mr Reiz: "Did you believe her?"

Robertson: "At that moment in time, yes."

Mr Reiz: "What was going through your mind?"

Robertson: "I couldn’t tell. Lots of jumbled up thoughts. Michael wasn’t my son, she’s lied to me for 36 years. I turned round and said 'shut the f*** up, you f***ing b****' and my hands went round her neck.

"My hands went up around her neck and we stumbled backwards. I believe we ended up on the chair. I squeezed. The next thing I knew, she was dead."

He began crying again as he said: "I said 'you stupid b******, what have you done?'. I was panicking, I didn’t know what to do at first."

Robertson took a tissue and wiped his eyes before Mr Reiz asked: "How did she look to you?"

He responded: "Uncomfortable, awkward. Dead. I believe I put my finger to her neck. I didn’t feel anything.

"I looked at Dawn. I thought she needs to be more comfortable than she is, so I moved her down to where the police found her. I attempted to lift her by putting my hands under her back and her knees.

"She was a dead weight, I couldn’t lift her. I gripped her by the arm and leg and dragged her to where she was found by the police. I put a pillow under her head. I put a crucifix in her hands because we’re both religious, Dawn more so than me."

Mr Reiz put to him: "Can you explain why you did what you’ve just told the jury you did? Why did you strangle her to death?"

Robertson said: "I can’t explain that. I just felt this burning anger and rage when she told me that Michael wasn’t my son."

Mr Reiz asked: "What were you intending to happen?"

Robertson said: "I just wanted her to shut up with the abuse. That was all I wanted to do."

He told the court that he then left home around 2.45pm and "put his coat and hat on and caught the bus into town". Mr Reiz asked him: "Where were you intending to go?"

Robertson said: "I was debating whether to go to the railway station or the police station. The railway station was in that direction, and the police station was in that direction.

"I decided I'd have a cup of tea and make my choice. There’s a café I always go to that was closed so I went to Costa, which was the next available café.

"I sat in there and thought about what to do. I thought should I jump a train to Manchester or Liverpool, get the ferry to Ireland and disappear over the border? Then I thought, there are too many CCTV cameras. What would I live on?

"I had my bank card, but as soon as I used that that would be traced. So I decided to go to the police station and hand myself in."

Mr Reiz asked: "How did you feel?"

Robertson wiped his eyes with a tissue again as he replied: "Disgusted. I broke every rule in I believed in as a human being. I’d taken a life. I had no right to do it."

Mr Reiz told the court during today's hearing that his client had suffered "many years of serious abuse which he withstood", adding: "He had a striking degree of ability to supress his emotions and withstand what he faced on an almost daily basis. What Dawn Robertson said to the defendant did amount to behaviour which could be described as having a high degree of provocation.

"There are no relevant convictions and no convictions at all since 1987. In fact, Mr Robertson has only served one previous prison sentence for three months in 1979.

"In his state of health, he has found it difficult over the past seven months. The court cannot be sure that there was an intention to kill rather than cause really serious harm.

"The defendant admitted the unlawful killing of his wife at the earliest opportunity in the police station and said he simply lost control. The first time the charge was put to him, he ended his guilty plea."

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