'I hate that Black bitch!' Donald Trump's lawyer recently shouted about NY AG Letitia James: lawsuit

  • Donald Trump's busiest lawyer, Alina Habba, is being sued for alleged racist behavior by an ex-employee.

  • Na'Syia Drayton alleges Habba recently called the NY AG who's investigating Trump's business a 'Black bitch.'

  • Habba is on tape dropping 'N' bombs while singing along to rap to 'energize' herself before hearings, Drayton's lawyer alleges.

A lawyer for Donald Trump is being accused of "racist" office behavior by an ex-employee, including allegedly shouting "I hate that Black bitch!" about the New York Attorney General Letitia James after losing a court case.

The New Jersey-based attorney, Alina Habba, is also on tape dropping "N" bombs while rapping bombastically along to gangsta rap recordings that blasted in her Bedminster law offices, according to the lawyer beyind a lawsuit filed this week in Middlesex County, New Jersey.

The audio tapes — duets, apparently, which also feature Habba's law partner Michael Madaio rapping along — may become public as part of her client's new lawsuit, said Jaqueline Tillmann, the Princeton lawyer repping former Habba employee Na'Syia Drayton.

"We are contemplating amending the complaint and adding one or two of the recordings as exhibits," Tillmann told Insider Thursday.

Habba, arguably the former president's busiest lawyer, made the "Black bitch" slur two months ago, in the midst of representing Trump in contentious, high-stakes litigation surrounding James' ongoing probe of the Trump Organization.

Habba identifies as Arab American; law partner Madaio is white; their firm, Habba Madaio & Associates, is based in the same weathy Jersey town as the Trump National Golf Club.

The AG is Black, as is the former Habba employee who is bringing the lawsuit, Drayton, 27, of Fords, New Jersey.

Drayton's lawsuit says she was racially harassed and discriminated against; she seeks unspecified back pay, lost future wages and other damages.

"When Defendant Alina Habba learned that she lost her matter," the lawsuit says of an unspecified April court loss to James, "and that the Judge rejected her legal argument, Defendant Alina Habba emerged irate from her office, (where she and Defendant Michael Madaio were meeting) and shouted, 'I HATE THAT BLACK BITCH!'" the lawsuit says.

"Thereafter, Defendant Alina Habba began parading around the office seething about the judge, and complaining that she had lost her argument," the lawsuit says, leaving Drayton feeling "appalled" and "astonished."

"Na'Syia was shocked that her supervisor would say that, and feel comfortable saying that around her," said Tillmann, of Lewis Tillmann Law Offices.

The racism accusation has flown both ways:  April also happens to be the month that Trump twice accused James of being racist, including in a bizarre "Happy Easter" post online that provided no basis for the label.

The "that Black bitch!" slur is presented in the lawsuit as the final straw of inappropriate behavior at Habba's law firm, prompting Drayton's resignation on June 14.

There were plenty of other straws, Drayton alleges.

"You people like fried chicken," Habba once told her loudly while perusing the menu during a staff luncheon, Drayton says in the lawsuit.

In another instance, a Jewish co-worker was allegedly casually referred to by Habba as "a cheap Jew."

Habba and Madaio also had the "inappropriate and offensive" habit of dropping "N" bombs while "loudly" rapping along to "booming" rap music in the office, something the two engaged in increasingly this year to "energize, motivate and otherwise 'pump themselves up' prior to making court appearances," the lawsuit alleges.

The partners' playlist included "what is generally perceived and classified as gangster and hip-hop music," including Ruff Ryders Anthem by DMX; Niggas in Paris by Kanye West and Jay-Z; and Rich Ass Fuck and Lollipop by Lil Wayne.

The "racially offensive and sexually inappropriate" lyrics to the songs were attached to Drayton's lawsuit as "Exhibit A."

Drayton's concerns, once voiced, were met with "emotional, animated, and aggressive" combativeness by Habba, she alleges, including criticism for her being "hyper-sensitive" and "ungrateful."

"I am a fucking minority myself!" Habba allegedly shouted back at Drayton. "I'm not white," Habba allegedly continued. "I used to be bullied because I am Arab."

The lawsuit says Habba vehemently defended her right to enjoy hip hop in the office, declaring, "Everybody listens to Kanye West — and I'm not allowed to?"

Habba allegedly went on, "Do you understand how I feel now?! I love hip-hop — always have, always will ... I'm taking serious offense to this, frankly."

"She really fully expected that when she complained, Alina would take corrective action," Drayton's lawyer told Insider.

"She didn't believe that Alina would agree with her, but she expected a change in behavior. This was an easy fix for any employer who was reasonably sensitive."

Just which legal loss to James may have prompted the alleged "that Black bitch!" remark was left unstated in the lawsuit. Drayton's lawyer said her client wasn't privy to the details.

But April was a busy month for litigation between Trump, the Trump Organization and the AG's office, with Trump on the losing end of much of it.

The AG is wrapping up a three-year probe into what her office has called a decade-long pattern of financial misstatements in documents used by Trump to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in bank loans and tax breaks.

In one noteworthy loss, Habba argued unsuccessfully against Trump being ordered held in contempt of court for failing to fully comply with James' subpoeana for his personal business documents.

During hearings over the contempt matter, Habba made no secret  of being irritated by the AG's document demands — and even by the demands of the judge.

"If you would like a bunch more affadavits, you can order that," Habba snapped angrily at New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron, during a March hearing on the matter. "You can order anything you like."

"I don't want to do this dance back and forth," she told a pair of James' lawyers at another hearing. "I don't have more documents to to give you so you can fine us for ten months but you're not going to get any more documents from Mr. Trump."

Habba has accused James, a Democrat, of singling out Trump for political reasons, and on a Newsmax appearance in January she called James "a sick person."

In addition to the AG probe, Habba reps Trump as a defendant in lawsuits filed by Michael Cohen and by protesters of Mexican heritage who allege Trump sicced his security on them outside Manhattan's Trump Tower in 2015. The latter case is set for jury selection in the Bronx on Monday.

Habba also reps Trump as a plaintiff, including in his failed federal lawsuit seeking to shut down James' probe, and in his massive lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, alleging an "unthinkable plot" to tie his 2016 presidential campaign to Russia.

A spokesperson for James declined to say what, if anything, the AG would do in response to the lawsuit.

But it's doubtful the ex-employee's accusations — which are being strenuously denied by Habba — will have any impact on the probe, which has already been delayed by the death of Trump's first wife, Ivana.

A new date for court-ordered depositions by Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump, Jr., originally set for this week, has yet to be set.

Habba is strongly denying the allegations of racism in the lawsuit, which was first reported by the Daily Beast.

"Na'Syia is someone we love and care about and have for years," Habba said in a statement responding to the lawsuit. In addition to this year's eight-month stint, Drayton had worked with Habba pre-pandemic at a previous Jersey law firm.

"Na'Syia had never made a single complaint to anyone until she had decided to quit and ask for an exorbitant amount of money in return. I am disappointed by this lawsuit and the allegations which are simply not true."


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