Healthy foods recognised in special Lancashire awards

Puddleducks with their award <i>(Image: Lancashire County Council)</i>
Puddleducks with their award (Image: Lancashire County Council)

Lancashire companies and a youth organisation have been recognised for advocating healthy eating in the community.

The Lancashire County Council's Trading Standards team leads the 'Recipe 4 Health initiative', promoting healthy lifestyle choices among local food businesses, alongside environmental considerations.

To demonstrate their commitment, businesses must comply with food safety and standards legislation.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards are gifted according to their food hygiene ratings, with many starting at Bronze before winning all three.

Puddleducks Children's Nursery and Crumb, both located in Haslingden, achieved the trio of awards.

The Colne Youth Action Group, a free fun activities provider for youngsters in Colne and nearby villages, bagged the Bronze Award.

Trading Standards' Recipe 4 Health' lead, Jamal Dermott, said: "Congratulations goes to the teams at Puddleducks Children's Nursery, Colne Youth Action Group and Crumb, who have really shown hard work and dedication in going the extra mile for the community.

"These fantastic awards are a way to show that you really understand all sides of food safety and healthy eating.

"We are currently taking more applications from food businesses and recommend that others apply to show the amazing work that they are doing behind the scenes."

For more information visit Lancashire County Council's website.