Hereford restaurant reveals new menu for summer: Here's what we thought

Cameron Thornton, Bridie Adams, Charlotte Moreau and Gavin McEwan at Nando's <i>(Image: Cameron Thornton)</i>
Cameron Thornton, Bridie Adams, Charlotte Moreau and Gavin McEwan at Nando's (Image: Cameron Thornton)

RECENTLY Nando's in Hereford's Old Market released new menu items for summer.

Our team went for lunch at the restaurant to go and try them. Here's what we thought.

Fully loaded wild herb chicken wrap

Fully loaded wild herb chicken wrap (Image: Bridie Adams)

First up, Nando's fully loaded wrap included pulled chicken, pink pickled onions, lettuce and a crunchy, garlicky "Peri-Peri crumb" with smoky "Peri-Tamer sauce" and Caesar dressing.

It also usually comes with avocado, but the restaurant staff said that this was unavailable on the day we visited, so I tried it without.

I love Nando's wraps so thought it was a great idea for them to introduce a new one packed full of tasty fillings. The chicken and salad were complimented very nicely by the combination of sauces.

The wild herb seasoning was also a new one, and was the perfect spice level for me as someone who likes things with a bit of a kick, but not enough to burn my tongue off!

Caesar salad

Caesar salad (Image: Charlotte Moreau)

The menu had a new salad option of a Caesar salad, which we were pleased to see. Our audience and content editor Charlotte Moreau jumped at the chance to try the light lunch, and was very impressed.

She thought the portion size was good with a nice flavour to the dressing.

She added two extra hot chicken thighs to her salad which she said was the ideal accompaniment to the salad of crispy cos lettuce, croutons, dressing and parmesan.

Spicy rice bowl

Spicy rice bowl (Image: Gavin McEwan)

Our local democracy reporter Gavin McEwan was excited to try the spicy rice bowl for a healthy yet filling lunch.

It came with houmous, rainbow coleslaw and pickled cauliflower, which he said were tangy and moreish. He also asked for halloumi cheese to be added to his bowl.

However it was missing broccoli, which the menu had promised.

Portuguese tomato salad

Portuguese tomato salad (Image: Bridie Adams)

This salad is a dream for all tomato fans, with three different types of the fruit mixed in one bowl.

It includes semi-dried, sweet baby and salad tomatoes, accompanied with crunchy cucumber and tangy pink pickled onions.

I would definitely order this again.

Peri chicken gravy

Peri chicken gravy (Image: Cameron Thornton)

My fellow reporter Cameron Thornton was intrigued by the Peri chicken gravy, which has made a return to the Nando's menu.

Nando's suggests you "Pour it, dunk it, drink it", to which Cameron asked, "Why on earth would anyone drink it?"

But as soon as he tried it, he said he could see why, as it was so moreish and full of flavour.

He ordered a butterfly chicken breast and chips to have with the gravy.


Cameron tried the new strawberry and dragon fruit quencher, which he said was a delicious and refreshing addition to his lunch.

The cloudy lemonade, sampled by Gavin, was sweet with sharpness from the lemon, served nice and cold. Anyone with a sweet tooth is sure to enjoy this drink.


Nando's staff Sophie Conlan, Harvey Hodson and Georgia Fischer (Image: Cameron Thornton)

Overall we had a lovely lunch at Nando's, made even better by the friendly and welcoming staff who took care of us during our visit.

Cameron and Gavin had never been to Nando's before, but both said they would definitely be back.

We sampled the new menu items free of charge, but the prices for all items are available on the Nando's website.