Heriot-Watt hosts green industrial revolution training centre

A new Centre for Doctoral Training in Green Industrial Futures (CDT-GIF) has opened to help secure the UK's position at the forefront of the green industrial revolution.

Based at Heriot-Watt University's campus, it aims to build on the work of the £20m UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC).

With a research programme spanning carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), green hydrogen, energy integration and whole systems design, the CDT's graduates will be able to develop the skills to tackle the biggest decarbonisation challenges facing industry.

Alongside a four-year research project, students will undertake training in the social, environmental, economic and regulatory aspects of the net zero transition, as well as professional development in areas like business strategy, commercialisation, responsible innovation and policy engagement.

Delivered by a consortium of four of the UK's leading research universities - Heriot-Watt, Imperial College London, University of Bath and University of Sheffield - the CDT represents a £18m investment from UKRI through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Mercedes Maroto-Valer, director of the CDT-GIF and UK industrial decarbonisation champion, said: ”The outstanding research and cross-sector partnerships cultivated through IDRIC have paved the way for this ambitious CDT.

”By building directly on IDRIC's foundations, we can hit the ground running to produce the doctoral talent and innovation pipeline that UK industry urgently needs to lead the global energy transition.”

Research opportunities are now available for prospective students across the CDT's core themes, through a range of funded positions offered through its industry partner network.

CDT is also seeking industry partners to co-create research projects and develop talent.

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