'He's going to kill me': Man poured cleaning fluid on friend and turned on gas supply

Generic image of man pouring liquid <i>(Image: nir_design from pixabay)</i>
Generic image of man pouring liquid (Image: nir_design from pixabay)

A man poured cleaning fluid on a woman and turned on the gas supply to a cooker in a terrifying abduction.

Patrick Kelly, 46, held friend Caitlin Brown at a flat in Glasgow's Kinning Park on February 17, 2017.

Kelly barricaded the front door with a dining table having sprayed Miss Brown's feet with the liquid.

He earlier ignited the gas supply and went on to switch off the electricity to the property when she tried to phone for help.

Miss Brown was heard to shout from a window: "He is going to kill me, he's going to burn the place down."

Kelly pleaded guilty today at Glasgow Sheriff Court to culpable and reckless conduct as well as abducting Miss Brown.

The court heard Miss Brown rented the second-floor property on Sussex Street from Kelly's parents.

Kelly, of Armagh, Ireland, had been drinking with Miss Brown and friends the previous night.

Around 2pm, "paranoid" Kelly believed that the police were coming to get him.

He went into the kitchen cupboards and took out various cleaning products.

Kelly poured the products onto Miss Brown's shoes, then entered the living room.

She asked Kelly what he was doing and he replied: "What's on the TV?"

Miss Brown was said to be scared by Kelly and she failed in an attempt to calm him down.

Prosecutor Ryan Watson said: "He went to the kitchen and turned on the gas supply to the cooker."

A knock was heard at the front door and Miss Brown asked Kelly if she could answer it as she was scared but he refused.

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Mr Watson stated: "He moved the dining room table and chairs then put them against the door to barricade her in.

"He re-enforced the barricade by adding a coffee and TV unit."

This was the only means of exit from the property.

Miss Brown begged Kelly for his mobile phone to call friends for help but he refused.

Kelly returned to the living room with two knives and used the cleaning liquid on the blades.

He went on to act erratically by moving around the flat.

Mr Watson added: "Kelly then poured cleaning products on Miss Brown's feet and she was frightened at the time."

Miss Brown was able to get to a window and shouted: "He is going to kill me, he's going to burn the place down."

She was also managed to get to a phone but Kelly switched off the electricity so it did not work.

Police, ambulance and fire brigade crews attended and Miss Brown was able to be rescued from the window.

Kelly was later persuaded to remove the barricades and he was arrested.

He told officers: "I just went bolo" and that he had taken drugs.

Miss Brown was taken to hospital and was fortunately found to have suffered no injuries but was "highly stressed."

Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Sheriff Louise Arrol KC who bailed Kelly.