Horror thunderstorm to drench UK with 10 days of rain in just three hours

-Credit: (Image: PA)

A horror thunderstorm is expected to bring 10 days worth of rainfall to the UK in just three hours. A third of June's entire rain average is predicted to hit parts of Britain very soon.

Kent is anticipated to see 15mm of rainfall over three hours during an upcoming storm. According to Ventusky weather maps, Brighton, Southend-on-Sea and Ipswich will be covered in stormy conditions this week.

The Met Office also confirmed a chance of 'heavy, thundery rain' affecting the country during a time when temperatures are usually expected to hit peaks of 21C. Its longer-term forecast read: "Following a couple of days of largely fine and settled weather, a gradual transition to more changeable conditions from the Atlantic is likely to take place with periods of cloud, rain and stronger winds most often affecting the west and northwest.

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"There remains a small chance of an area of heavy, thundery rain affecting parts of the south on Friday, June 21, possibly accompanied by briefly hot and humid conditions." July may also see spells of rain, Mirror reports.

A forecast for the first two weeks of July read: "All areas can expect to see some spells of drier, sunnier weather, but there will also be showers or longer spells of rain at times." But the Met Office suggests temperatures would be about average in the latter half of July.

It said: "Temperatures are most likely to be close to or slightly above climatological average."