Hull man caught sending 'disgusting' sexual messages and pictures to decoy girls - then did it again

Shane Gorman admitted offences of attempting to communicate sexually with a child
Shane Gorman admitted offences of attempting to communicate sexually with a child -Credit:Humberside Police

An obsessed pervert exchanged "disgusting" sexual messages and pictures with two decoy young girls during what he confessed was a "moment of madness" – but he later went on to do exactly the same thing with a third non-existent girl.

Shane Gorman was already under police investigation after he was confronted by paedophile hunters in 2021 but he ignored the warning and ended up being caught again, this time by a decoy girl set up by the police, Hull Crown Court heard.

Gorman, 35, of Welshpool Close, Hull, admitted two offences of attempting to communicate sexually with a child on September 7, 2021 and a third similar offence on June 22 last year.


Holly Thompson, prosecuting, said that an online paedophile hunters group set up profiles for two decoy girls, one supposedly aged 14 and the other 12. Gorman made sexualised comments to the fake 14-year-old girl and asked for "sexy" pictures in her underwear.

He asked her if she wanted an intimate picture of him and asked what colour her underwear was. Gorman also sent messages to the second decoy girl and made "Wow, sexy!" comments about her.

He asked for more photographs and asked intimate questions. The paedophile hunters went to his home one evening and three of them detained him and alerted the police.

Gorman made significant admissions to police and he said that it was a "moment of madness". He claimed that he did it purely through boredom at work and denied any sexual interest or excitement about children and that he knew that it was disgusting and wrong.

Gorman was released under investigation but he went on to commit the third offence involving a decoy girl, supposedly aged 13, that had been set up by the police.

He asked the fake girl if she wanted to see intimate pictures of him on Snapchat and he told her that she had a nice body. He asked her to send naked pictures of herself.

He was arrested but made no comment during police interview and said that it was a mistake and that he had no sexual interest in children. He had no previous convictions but had a caution.

Tonicha Allen, mitigating, said that unemployed Gorman was a low risk of being reconvicted. "He remains extremely remorseful and regretful of his actions," said Miss Allen.

"He says that are born entirely out of boredom. It's not a situation that he will find himself in again. He hasn't been in any further trouble with the police.

"His main focus now is accepting that he has done wrong. To say that he has learned his lesson would be an understatement."

Judge Richard Woolfall told Gorman: "These three young children were decoys. At the time, you believed they were real children. Clearly, you were sexually interested in children.

"You did it for excitement, the thrill of talking to underage children. You knew it was wrong when you were interviewed for the first time and you were released under investigation.

"You went on to do it again and, even though you knew it was wrong and you knew it was inappropriate, you went on to do it again.

"The fact that you went and did it again makes it so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence is appropriate. It's not possible to suspend the least possible sentence that I can impose."

Gorman was jailed for 16 months. He was given an eight-year sexual harm prevention order and he must register as a sex offender for 10 years.