Iconic People Make Glasgow building branded 'shabby' but locals want sign to remain

Glasgow’s iconic Met Tower has been branded 'absolutely shabby' by Glasgow Live readers, as you react to shelved revamp plans.

We visited George Square to ask Glaswegians what they think of the building that houses the famous pink ‘People Make Glasgow’ signage.

George Square is the epicentre of Glasgow city centre – it is the first stop on any tourist’s map. From its skyline is the iconic pink “People Make Glasgow” poster which stretches along the Met Tower. This has become the slogan of Glasgow since it was installed in 2014.

The tower, once part of the college, has been unused for over a decade, and now is solely used as the sign that dominates George Square.

A £60 million investment was shelved on the 10-storey building this week by its owners Burntwood SciTech who had planned to turn the derelict building into a revamped “digital and tech hub”.

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Aileen, who once went to the Met Tower when it was the college, dislikes the building
Aileen, who once went to the Met Tower when it was the college, dislikes the building -Credit:Glasgow Live

Locals and passers-by offered us their thoughts on the iconic status of the sign and if the current state of the building is an issue.

People are concerned the building is becoming an eyesore, but what matters most is that a potential revamp keeps the famous pink sign as a cultural backdrop for the city.

Aileen, who once went to the Met Tower when it was the college, dislikes the building calling it 'pretty ugly 1960s concrete, not very nice architecture' and 'absolutely shabby'.

However, she was more concerned that the 'iconic symbol' of the signage would be left out a revamp, rather than being concerned of the revamp being shelved in the first place. “I don’t know where they would move it to, because it is still our slogan, they would need to put it somewhere else, another place everyone is going to see it.”

Alex says the Met Tower is quite iconic
Alex says the Met Tower is quite iconic -Credit:Glasgow Live

Lisa, a Glasgow local agreed: “I think it could be put to better use, but it’s a good advertisement for what Glasgow stands for."

On revamping the building’s ascetics, she added: “It could be better, it could be updated – then it wouldn’t have that signage up. She suggested the building keeps the lettering but make it see through “like on buses, so if you have offices, you can still see out.”

It’s clear the symbol of ‘People Make Glasgow’ is more important to Glaswegians than the building that hosts it fate.

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Alex, another resident said: "The Met Tower is quite iconic, people might think it’s a bit of an eyesore, but honestly its quite hard to imagine something not being there. People would miss it, no matter what they think of it.

“What makes this building works is that it is kind of faded, and not too in your face but if they were to replace it, it should be something that embodies the same message.”

Connor works around George Square and passes it every day
Connor works around George Square and passes it every day -Credit:Glasgow Live

Connor works around George Square and passes it every day. He believes it’s a powerful landmark, but without the investment it isn’t utilising its full potential. He commented: “It would be good to get it redone as a landmark to make it stand out more to people that don’t come to Glasgow to figure out what people are like in Glasgow.”

Glasgow resident Andrew had a similar sentiment “People do make Glasgow, but it’s the people that come to Glasgow who make it.”

Andrew also has enormous pride for the building as a landmark for the city centre
Andrew also has enormous pride for the building as a landmark for the city centre -Credit:Glasgow Live

Andrew also has enormous pride for the building as a landmark for the city centre “it’s basically an iconic building. Some people like it some people don’t. But when I’m coming into town, I can see it and it’s just like keep walking and you’ll soon get there”.

Whether or not a revamp of the Met Tower goes ahead in future, one thing is for certain is that Glaswegians don’t want their iconic slogan to disappear with the building.

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