'I'll be back in politics' vows Nigel Farage

The former UKIP leader says he will return to politics (ITV Pictures)
The former UKIP leader says he will return to politics (ITV Pictures)

Nigel Farage has vowed to make a return to politics if the withdrawal from the European Union doesn’t go ahead.

The former UKIP leader made his announcement in an interview on This Morning, where he said he feared that there would be a second referendum, and was determined to make sure that Brexit would still happen.

Farage, who left his role as leader of UKIP in 2016, said that he may even set up new political party to run his campaign.

He told Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby: “My New Year’s resolution was to hope for the best and prepare for the worst, and I am preparing for the worst.

“When I was in business, I didn’t have any intention of being in politics, but I got into it because I thought the European project was bad not just for us, but for the rest of Europe too.

“If the ball gets dropped on Brexit, I will be back, absolutely.

“I’ll be back in politics and I will give it everything, and if we have to win this battle again, we’ll win it.”

However, Farage seemed doubtful about rejoining UKIP and when asked if he would set up a new political party, admitted he wasn’t sure of the details yet.

He said: “I spent 25 years of my life on UKIP and I’m very sad to see the direction it’s gone down.

“All I know is, I’ll give it 24/7 and I’ll do it as me if I have to.”

The controversial figure was also clear on what his own policies would be: “What we should have gone for from day one is a simple free trade agreement.

“If we’d said to them we’re happy to buy your Mercedes, we’re happy to buy your champagne, we’ll go on doing business with each other on a tariff free basis, they would’ve bitten our arms off to have that deal.”

Nigel Farage discussed his career plans (ITV)
Nigel Farage discussed his career plans (ITV)

Farage said that he was pretty certain there would be a second referendum on Brexit as he expected Parliament not to back Theresa May’s exit deal this week, and that if there was he planned to campaign again.

He said: “It would be an outrage, but I’ll tell you this, and I’m talking against my own book here, I suspect that’s (a second referendum) what’s going to happen.

“Had the Prime Minister been strong I think Brexit would have been done and dusted by now.

“She didn’t do that and into this vacuum of leadership we have a political class who want us to be part of this European project.”

He went on: “I think it is now more than 50 per cent that we will have a second referendum. I suspect it’ll be a much bigger vote to leave than before, because it becomes about trust.

“The first vote was about would we be better or worse off becoming independent, the second referendum will be do we trust our politicians and isn’t it about time we taught them a lesson for not listening to us first time round.”

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