'I'm fed up of neighbour blocking my drive – but ultimate revenge will ruin him'

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A woman hit out at her neighbour for turning their street into a car park nightmare, leaving her trapped in her own driveway.

She detailed her frustration about living down a narrow lane which she needs clear to park outside her home. However, the house next to hers has been converted into a car repair shop, leading to a constant stream of customers' vehicles blocking access at all hours.

The exasperated resident recounted on Reddit how many people 'abandon' their cars on the lane, mistakenly thinking it's part of the repair shop, which often stops her from getting back into her property after work.

She vented: "The property next to our laneway has been turned into a car repair shop. We have always had a pretty good relationship with the owner... or so I thought. Now, to park on the west side of his building, they have to drive across the top of our lane from the road, which has been fine.

"But over the past few months, some of his clients started parking their vehicles in our laneway, blocking or obscuring the entrance to our property. I have messaged the owner of the car place about it and he has moved the vehicles, but it happens at least once or twice a week, and not too long ago a truck was left there for a whole weekend.

"The other day, someone parked a motorhome in our lane and I could hardly get in. I was fed up, so I called the owner and told him that he was blocking access to our property and that I would start having cars towed if it kept happening." She further explained how her mum, who also resides in the house, is in poor health and she's had to call the ambulance out to her frequently.

However, in an emergency situation, she fears the ambulance wouldn't be able to navigate down the driveway due to all the cars obstructing its entrance. She stated: "The man told me that I don't own my laneway, and his customers could park there if they want to. He said the Township owns it. Now, the Township does have a right of way to access a creek and culvert, but we pay taxes on and maintain that land.

"I ended up telling him that it wasn't his parking lot and hanging up on him in a blind rage. My husband spoke to him and convinced him that we do, in fact, own our land. I am considering erecting a fence or preventing his customers from using my lane to park, which would effectively render a large section of his lot useless to him, if this continues.

"All because he thought it was cool to block my driveway, and then had the audacity tell me that he would keep doing it."

One social media user responded to her post, saying: "I'd skip the fence. He'd probably just file for an easement to get access restored. I'd get a contract with a towing company. They'll put up signs and they'll have all of the paperwork ready to go for towing them away."

Another chimed in: "An electronic gate, and he can pay an access fee."

A third suggested: "Put up a 'No parking, violators will be towed', sign and start having the cars towed. The jacka** will either reign his customers in or go out of business from the lost clients."