Inspirational Wiltshire teacher wins national award

Inspirational teacher Gemma Bradshaw with pupils at Holbrook Primary School. <i>(Image: Pearson National Teacher of the YearAwards)</i>
Inspirational teacher Gemma Bradshaw with pupils at Holbrook Primary School. (Image: Pearson National Teacher of the YearAwards)

An inspirational Trowbridge primary school teacher described as a “shining light” has been recognised in the Pearson National Teacher of the Year Awards.

Gemma Bradshaw, who teaches at Holbrook Primary School, has been presented with a Silver Award for Teacher of the Year in a Primary School.

Selected from thousands of nominees, her win highlights her remarkable impact on the lives of the young people in her care.

Gemma Bradshaw with some of the pupils at Holbrook Primary School. Trevor Porter 77143-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Miss Bradshaw has been recognised not only for her brilliant teaching but also the difference she has made outside of the classroom where she leads children to dance and perform in front of audiences at the Bath Forum.

She also works closely with ‘The Mill St Club’ in Trowbridge which is a day centre for people with Alzheimer’s – Gemma takes groups of children to The Mill St Club throughout the year which gives the pupils and club members joyous memorable experiences.

Gemma, 37, said: “It is an honour to receive this award, it is a privilege to be a teacher and to work at such a wonderful school who want the very best for our children.  Our pupils deserve the best and that’s what I try to give them every day.”

Miss Bradshaw, who has taught at the school for nine years, is described by colleagues as a ‘shining light’ and received many testimonials from parents of the 226 Holbrook pupils following her nomination.

Gemma Bradshaw is presented with the National Teacher of the Year for a Primary School silver award, with Holbrook head teacher, Vicki Cottrell, Deputy Head Rose Nunn, Liah Evans from Pearson and Dr Anne Bull from the National Teacher Association. Trevor Porter 77143-3 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Holbrook Primary School Headteacher, Vicki Cottrell said: “I am incredibly proud of Gemma and indeed the whole team at Holbrook. She is just brilliant and really lifts everybody up.

“Gemma goes above and beyond every day for our pupils and her passion for dance and the arts shines through.  We highly value her infectious smile and bubbly nature.”

Gemma Bradshaw is one of 102 teachers, lecturers, leaders, support staff and institutions named as silver winners in this year’s awards. They will now be in the running for the coveted Gold Award, which will be announced at an awards ceremony later in the year.

Celebrities, students and schools across the UK are today paying tribute to all those who work in education to mark National Thank a Teacher Day, which celebrates the whole education community and shines a light on the exceptional impact they have on shaping young lives.

National Thank a Teacher Day and the Pearson National Teaching Awards are run by the Teaching Awards Trust, an independent charity established over 25 years ago.

Their aim is to celebrate the transformative impact of education, shining a spotlight on the pivotal roles teachers, support staff, colleges, schools and early years educators play in inspiring young people, every single day.