The inspiring Edinburgh charity providing mental health support for locals

An Edinburgh-based charity is providing vital mental health support services for the local community and bringing people together.

This mental health awareness week, Edinburgh Live visited Change Mental Health's Stafford Centre on Broughton Street to shine a light on the work of the organisation, and the benefits for the wider community.

Opened in 1986, the centre provides a non-clinical safe space for people with mental health conditions to socialise and engage in creative activities such as art and music making.

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Originally founded as the National Schizophrenia Fellowship, the charity now supports people suffering from all kinds of mental illnesses, such as veterans with PTSD.

One of the beneficiaries of the charity, 47-year-old Julie Davis spoke about how the centre had helped her. “I arrived in Edinburgh at the end of January, and I’d just recently been diagnosed with my illness, and I can honestly say that the Stafford Centre has been a lifeline for me," she said.

“If I hadn’t been able to come here I don’t know what I would have done. I’ve been able to make friends, it’s helped with my recovery process.

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“There’s an atmosphere about the place that you can’t bottle, but it’s got such a wonderful atmosphere and you really notice it, so I felt immediately comfortable In coming here.”

The centre aims to allow people with mental health illnesses to form peer support groups by socialising in the cafe, and through activities such as painting, music making, radio, sculpture, cooking and more.

Head of Communications at Change, Kieran Scott, 29, explained how the centre has expanded its operations. He said: “We opened this in 1986, and then we started opening services across the country. It’s a drop-in community resource where people can build up supportive networks in their community.

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“We’ve supported men with PTSD, and that was born out of Covid. There was a realisation that there were a lot of men struggling with PTSD.

“We also deliver stuff like care support which goes back to the heritage of the organisation over 50 years ago. We’ve been supporting carers ever since then, and that’s one thing we will always continue.

“As an organisation we are community-based, non-clinical, person-centred, and the support is when they need it, where they need it and what works best for them.

“We know that 1 in 4 people in their lifetime will experience mental illness. We’re trying to change attitudes, change society and tackle that stigma as well.”

Change’s Head of Edinburgh Services Michele Mason, 56, explained the wider impact the work of the charity has had. She said: "We had an MSP down last Wednesday, come to see the veterans project. The Shadow Veterans Minister. It’s about getting the veterans’ voices through to him.

“That’s where we do our advocacy, making sure decision makers know what’s actually going on for the people they support."

She also spoke about the fundraising work of the charity: She added: “I personally have not seen any reduction in the fundraising we’ve been able to do during the cost of living crisis.

“We’ve got a really good relationship with Broughton Street Market. Nisa, who supply them, nominated us as charity of the month and we got £600.”

Mr Scott also explained how the 'Hundred Challenge' fundraiser and the Hopetown Coffee shop provide additional funding streams.

Another of the centre’s beneficiaries, 75-year-old David Barnett, explained how the charity had helped him discover a new talent for art, and helped him improve his physical health through a walking group. He said: “It’s helped me a lot. Over twenty years ago I was isolated for over ten years, never went anywhere, had no friends.

“I came here in 2013, so I’ve been here for 11 years, and it’s helped me tremendously. I’ve really enjoyed doing the art sessions, it’s showed me that I have some talent in art. It’s a safe, non-judgemental space where people know they’ll be supported and helped.

“Walking and socialising helps mental and physical health. Those two things go together. When I was isolated I didn’t even get out of bed a lot of days.”

* More details on Change Mental Health's work can be found here.