Investigation launched into accusations of inappropriate behaviour by Damian Green

Theresa May has launched a top level Whitehall investigation into allegations by a female journalist that First Secretary of State Damian Green behaved inappropriately towards her.

The accusation, by freelance columnist Kate Maltby, has been strongly denied by Mr Green, but the Prime Minister has ordered the Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood to investigate urgently.

Ms Maltby says she "felt a fleeting hand against my knee".

Mr Green, who is effectively deputy prime minister, says he never made "any sexual advances" on her and her allegation is "untrue" and "deeply hurtful".

A Downing Street spokesman told Sky News: "An allegation has been made in relation to the first secretary of state, which he strongly denies.

"The Prime Minister has referred the matter to the Cabinet Secretary to establish the facts and report back as soon as possible."

Making her allegation against Mr Green in The Times, Ms Maltby - who describes herself as "a critic, columnist and scholar", writes: "In early 2015 he invited me for a drink in Waterloo.

"He asked me if I was seriously considering a political career - I said I thought I was better suited to being a writer but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it. He encouraged me to keep the option in mind, adding that he'd be able to help me.

"He steered the conversation to the habitual nature of sexual affairs in Parliament. He told a funny story about finding himself in a lift with the Cameron aide Rachel Whetstone and her alleged lover, Samantha Cameron's stepfather, Lord Astor.

"He mentioned that his own wife was very understanding. I felt a fleeting hand against my knee - so brief, it was almost deniable. I moved my legs away, and tried to end the drink on friendly terms."

"I then dropped all contact for a year. I wanted nothing to do with him. For a while I wondered if I'd imagined the incident. I had no proof."

She adds: "Then, in May last year, I was persuaded by The Times to write a piece about the history of corsets, newly back in fashion. It ended up being quite light-hearted, and I was talked into posing in a not-very revealing corset.

"My phone pinged the next day. Mr Green, then out of government, had sent a message, which I have provided to The Times. I had actively avoided him for a year."

She says the message said: "Long time no see. But having admired you in a corset in my favourite tabloid I feel impelled to ask if you are free for a drink anytime?" She says she ignored the message.

She goes on: "Six weeks later, David Cameron fell and Mr Green was suddenly one of the most important men in Theresa May's cabinet. As an aspirant political writer, it seemed impossible to avoid him professionally."

She says she sent him a message saying: "Many congratulations on joining the Cabinet - you and your family must be delighted. I'll look forward to seeing what you achieve in government."

Responding to the Times article: Mr Green said: "It is absolutely and completely untrue that I've ever made any sexual advances on Ms Maltby.

"I have known Ms Maltby since she contacted me as board member of Bright Blue, the Conservative think tank, in 2014, and we have had a drink as friends twice yearly.

"The text I sent after she appeared in a newspaper article was sent in that spirit - as two friends agreeing to meet for a regular catch-up - and nothing more.

"This untrue allegation has come as a complete shock and is deeply hurtful, especially from someone I considered a personal friend."

In her column in The Times, Ms Maltby wrote: "Awkward relationships like this are part of being a young woman in Westminster. It shouldn't be the norm - which is why I have chosen to speak out.

"Let me be clear. This is not the most terrible thing that has ever happened to a woman. Mr Green belongs to a different generation, and Damian, as you read this, I doubt you had any idea of how awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised you made me feel.

"Perhaps you didn't realise why I was avoiding you. Perhaps you didn't feel you were doing anything wrong.

"This is the problem. The ruling generation are not sensitive to the reality of Westminster's power dynamics. That's why for some of us, bracing ourselves for backlash, now feels the time to speak out."