Irish League footballer using own experiences to help men battling mental health

Photo showing Coleraine’s David McDaid
Coleraine’s David McDaid -Credit:INPHO/Stephen Hamilton

An Irish League footballer is using his own experiences to help other men struggling with their mental health.

Coleraine striker David McDaid has helped create a new 'Man On' programme which will kick-off in Larne on Wednesday, May 15.

It will allow men over the age of 18 to meet up for a friendly kick-about and also receive peer support from coaches and participants.

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The scheme is being run alongside DJ Elite Coaching, Extern and Factory Forum Community in Larne, where Derry native McDaid now lives.

"It is something that lies close to my heart. I have always tried to do things around mental health because I know how big an issue it is," McDaid told Belfast Live.

"Men don't like talking about it. They prefer to hold in their emotions and avoid sharing things. I know what it is like. There is a stigma in society that men can't cry or show weaknesses. But that shouldn't be the case. They should be encouraged to share their feelings and emotions without being judged.

"I have grown up around football and you do carry a lot of pressures and issues around. You don't share them.

"During lockdown my mental health wasn't in a good place. I don't know if it was lockdown or other issues. But I wasn't thinking like any normal person should.

"So for me personally, I believe this programme is a good thing. If people see me opening up, then hopefully it encourages them to do likewise.

"Mental health affects everyone. It doesn't matter who you are. So hopefully we can help people to come along and have some fun and not feel out of place.

"The football is like an ice breaker for anyone attending. Everyone feels comfortable chatting and laughing about football, and having some banter about their teams.

"But we also have the platform for people to chat about their mental health and emotions, with other like-minded people."

McDaid gleaned some inspiration from Larne legend and former club captain Jeff Hughes who has been involved in running the club's highly popular ‘MEN United’ five-a-side football programme.

"Yeah, it was actually Jeff who was running that programme in the town. I always had an interest in that, and now I am able to help out myself," the 33-year-old added.

"Man On allows men to come along to play football, have tea and coffee and speak with people who are maybe having similar struggles to themselves. They can come along and chat to people and share their own experiences.

"The key is for people to have a bit of fun and chat to others without being judged. It is a more relaxed environment for them to chat and share their feelings.

"We have linked up with Extern and Factory Forum Community in Larne who deserve a lot of praise for helping us run it. We are running the programme through them."

McDaid believes attitudes are changing for the better when it comes to the issue of mental health, and encouraging people to share their thoughts and feelings.

But he says more needs to be done.

He said: "Attitudes are definitely changing for the better. There used to be the attitude, that if you saw a man crying then he was 'weak'. That is an old school mentality and times have changed.

"But even now, I don't feel that comfortable talking about my emotions. If I am in that situation, then I know there are many other men who feel the same way. We want to build a community up for people who feel like me.

"If you want to talk, we will have qualified people come in and do talks and speeches through Extern. Talks about different issues that may affect your mental health. It could be gambling, alcohol, drugs, and other life pressures that can take their toll on your mental health.

"It will be a broad spectrum to try and help people."

The 'Man On' programme will kick off on May 15 and run for 12 weeks. It will be held each Wednesday night from 8-9pm at Larne High School astroturf pitch.

"It will be running no matter what. Even if one person turns up," McDaid added.

"Anyone interested can just get in touch with me or any of the groups. But you can turn up on the night, and you can come along for one night or 10 nights. You can even come down and watch without participating.

"If you don't feel comfortable talking or engaging, then come down and watch. There is no pressure."

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