New Jay Slater search pictures emerge from Tenerife after disappearance

A missing Jay Slater update has been issued - as new photos are released from Tenerife. Photos have been released by volunteer firefighters on the island as a fundraiser has also been set up by loved ones in the Canary Islands.

They showed crews wearing helmets working in mountainous terrain to search for Jay. The Bomberos Voluntarios de Santiago del Teide said: "On Tuesday morning, at 2:17 a.m. we are given a notice to search for the missing young man in Masca.

"A vehicle and personnel were dispatched to the site and together with firefighters based on Icod and officers from the civil guard of the mountain rescue team carried out a search in the area of the Ilda Mirador.

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"Yesterday Wednesday at 14:38 we were activated to continue with the search for the young man moving 4 vehicles with 16 firefighters together with local police, firefighters from Guia de Isora, mountain civil guard, Guardia Civil unit of civil guard dogs, family and friends of the young man."

A GoFundMe has been set up by Jay Slater’s friend Lucy to help with the search efforts, with £13,000 raised in the last five hours. In a message to accompany the fundraiser, she wrote: “The weather conditions up there are terrible for someone in shorts & a t-shirt, both in the day & at night.

“He has no water for when it’s warm through out the day, and he has no coat/suitable clothing for when it’s cold at night. It was one degree and extremely windy when I was out looking in the middle of the night. We are all so worried and we just want him home. Please help if you can and share far and wide.”

His mother, Debbie Duncan, flew to Spain’s Canary Islands on Tuesday morning to join the teams of mountain rescuers and local civil guards searching for him.