'They keep us safe' - Haverhill hosts Armed Forces Day celebrations

This year, Armed Forces Day celebrations were hosted in Haverhill. Image: Councillor John Burns <i>(Image: Councillor John Burns)</i>
This year, Armed Forces Day celebrations were hosted in Haverhill. Image: Councillor John Burns (Image: Councillor John Burns)

People gathered in Haverhill this weekend to pay tribute to the sacrifice made by our armed forces.

Saturday marked Armed Forces Day. Since 2006, this has been a day dedicated to commemorating the service of men and women who serve in the British Armed Forces, whether in the army, the navy or the RAF.

This year, it fell to Haverhill to host celebrations for our county. The town took accepted this challenge, with a convoy of military vehicles embarking from Haverhill Arts Centre at 11am, arriving at Market Square later in the morning.

Entertainment was provided in the form of Britain's Got Talent stars, The Big Sing, and a Glenmoriston Pipe Band.

Entertainment was provided by Britain's Got Talent stars, The Big Sing, while the salute was taken by the Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk, Lt Col Anthony Fairbanks Weston. Image: Councillor John Burns (Image: Councillor John Burns)

Haverhill Town Councillor Tony Brown said he was pleased that Haverhill had been chosen as the focal point for celebrations.

“We’re really proud to host Suffolk Armed Forces Day,” said Cllr Brown. “It isn’t just about the armed conflicts side, but the humanitarian aid, too, which our forces provide all over the world. If there are ever any natural disasters, they are the go-to people to help, and have done so on countless occasions.

“This is to celebrate all the work our services do to keep us safe, putting themselves in the way of danger."

The sun was shining as Haverhill came together for Armed Forces Day. Image: Haverhill Town Council (Image: Haverhill Town Council)

Haverhill pulled out all the stops for Armed Forces Day with a convoy of military vehicles. Image: Haverhill Town Council (Image: Haverhill Town Council)

The Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk, Lt Col Anthony Fairbanks Weston, was also in attendance. He gave a speech to crowds before the salute.

Lt Col Fairbanks Weston was representing Clare, Countess of Euston and Lord-Lieutenant of Suffolk.

Lady Clare said: “This year, Armed Forces Day takes on a very special significance here in Suffolk, a county which saw so many of its men and women lay down their lives for us on D-Day, 80 years ago. We have so much to remember, and to be enduringly grateful for.

"I am delighted that our county celebration is taking place in Haverhill, the ‘Gateway to Suffolk.’"

Lee Holloway is the Armed Forces Commissioner for Suffolk. He said he was “delighted” that Haverhill had been chosen to host celebrations.

“Armed Forces Day is an opportunity for everyone to celebrate and express our appreciation for the dedication to service of the nation of our serving troops, veterans and their families,” he said.