King Charles Coronation: King and Queen appear on Buckingham Palace balcony after Coronation

King Charles III and Queen Camilla appeared on the balcony at Buckingham Palace for a flypast after being crowned at Westminster Abbey.

Charles and Camilla in lavish robes and wearing their crowns returned with a wave to the cheers of the crowds, who filled The Mall after braving downpours to see a colourful ceremonial military procession not seen for 70 years.

The Prince and Princess of Wales and their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis joined the monarch as did the pages of honour.

Earlier Charles became the 40th reigning sovereign to be crowned at the Abbey, the nation's coronation church since 1066, as Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby placed the St Edward's Crown on his head.

After the King was crowned, the bells of Westminster Abbey rang for two minutes and a fanfare was sounded. A gun salute was also fired by The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery, stationed at Horse Guards Parade.

Shortly aftewards the Queen was anointed in public by the Archbishop, in a break with tradition.

The King and Queen left the Abbey for Buckingham Palace at 1pm. The flypast, scheduled for 2.30pm, was scaled back due to the weather.

Thousands line Whitehall as final preparations underway

08:19 , Miriam Burrell

Good morning.

Thousands of enthusiasts are lining Whitehall and setting up picnics in Hyde Park as final preparations get underway for the coronation procession and service.

Military bands could be heard practising while Buckingham Palace staff were seen adorning its famous balcony.

Meanwhile guests of the coronation service have begun arriving at security check points in Victoria Tower Gardens.

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5,000 troops arrive at Waterloo by train

08:24 , Miriam Burrell

Thousands of troops involved in the coronation have arrived at Waterloo station and marched to Westminster Bridge ahead of the procession.

It’s the biggest movement of military personnel on Britain’s railways since Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral in 1965.

Members of the Royal Navy, Army, RAF and Commonwealth forces arrived on seven South Western Railway trains and two chartered West Coast Railways trains.

Read more here.

Guests arrive at Westminster Abbey

08:31 , Miriam Burrell

MPs, foreign dignitaries and celebrities have started arriving at Westminster Abbey ahead of the coronation service at 11am.

Singer Nick Cave and actress Dame Emma Thompson were among early guests as well as Tory MPs.

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Protesters appear to be arrested

08:37 , Miriam Burrell

Republican protesters appear to have been arrested ahead of the King’s coronation.

Footage posted on Twitter seemed to show demonstrators in yellow “Not My King” t-shirts being arrested by police, with one officer saying: “They are under arrest, end of.”

Tweets from the Alliance of European Republican Movements appear to show the CEO of Republic, Graham Smith, having his details being taken and being arrested.

Read more here.

‘Coronation day is here'

08:43 , Miriam Burrell

Members of the public sitting in a grandstand in front of Buckingham Palace erupted into cheers after an announcement saying “coronation day is here”.

The stand has around 3,800 seats to host veterans, NHS staff, social care workers and representatives of charitable organisations with links to the royal family.

Meanwhile, standing crowds on either side of the Mall burst into chants of “hip hip hooray”.

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Controversial ‘Homage to People’ toned down

08:51 , Miriam Burrell

An element of the coronation service that gives opportunity for members of the public to pledge allegience to the King has been toned down.

Charles reportedly approved the change which came after a string of commentators criticised the new addition as divisive.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will now “invite” a show of support from the congregation rather than a “call” to those in the Abbey and elsewhere to swear allegiance to the King.

Read more here.

Royal fans buzzing over ‘amazing’ atmosphere

08:58 , Miriam Burrell

Royal fans have travelled from all corners of the globe to watch the coronation, including Jill Huskins from Sydney, Australia.

“This is one of those once in a lifetime things, it’s beyond exciting,” she told our video journalist Claudia Marquis.

“The new best friends I’ve’s absolutely fantastic. It’s more than I expected.”

 (ES / Claudia Marquis)
(ES / Claudia Marquis)

Pictured: Military band passes the Cenotaph

09:04 , Miriam Burrell

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More celebrities and ministers arrive at Westminster Abbey

09:10 , Miriam Burrell

Lionel Richie, Home Secretary Suella Braverman and London Mayor Sadiq Khan are among high-profile guests descending on Westminster Abbey ahead of the service.

Inside Westminster Abbey a royal blue carpet – chosen to highlight the red, gold and purple robes of the King and Queen Consort – adorned the dais in the coronation theatre.

Flowers in reds, burgundies and yellow golds cover the top of the ornate golden High Altar.

Lionel Richie (via REUTERS)
Lionel Richie (via REUTERS)
Suella Braverman (Getty Images)
Suella Braverman (Getty Images)

Pictured: First glimpse of King ahead of coronation

09:16 , Miriam Burrell


Pimms and ‘good old Britishness'

09:26 , Miriam Burrell

Royal fans who have been camping out on The Mall are enjoying champagne, Pimms and “good old Britishness” ahead of the procession, which is due to begin in an hour’s time.

Civil servant Mele Tatawaqa, originally from Fiji, arrived at 11pm on Friday night with friends and is keen to see King Charles, Camilla “and the whole family”.

Caroline, who traveled from Sussex around 6am on Saturday, is also keen to catch a glimpse of the King.

“It was big shoes to fill after the Queen and we all feel he’s taken a long time to get here, and he’s doing a good job,” she told our video journalist Claudia Marquis.

“We’re all really pleased he’s there. It’s all we need, some stability.”

Caroline and friends from Sussex (ES / Claudia Marquis)
Caroline and friends from Sussex (ES / Claudia Marquis)

Several arrests made, Metropolitan Police say

09:40 , Miriam Burrell

Several protesters have been arrested on suspicion of offences including breaching the peace and conspiracy to cause public nuisance ahead of the coronation procession.

Arrests were made the area of Carlton House Terrace, St Martin’s Lane and Wellington Arch, Metropolitan Police said.

Prince Andrew leaves Buckingham Palace

09:44 , Miriam Burrell

The Duke of York has been driven down The Mall in a state car.

Parts of the crowd in a grandstand in front of Buckingham Palace booed as Prince Andrew went past.


What’s happening today?

09:51 , Miriam Burrell

At 10.20am the King and Queen Consort’s procession will set off from Buckingham Palace.

They will arrive at Westminster Abbey for a service beginning at 11am. The King will be crowned at midday and the sevice will end at 1pm.

Charles and Camilla will return to Buckingham Palace in procession before appearing on the Palace balcony with members of the royal family to watch the flypast around 2.15pm.

Pictured: Inside Westminster Abbey

09:54 , Miriam Burrell

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(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Just Stop Oil says protesters arrested

09:58 , Miriam Burrell

Protest group Just Stop Oil has said around 13 demonstrators have been arrested on The Mall ahead of the coronation.

A spokesperson for the campaign group said five demonstrators were also arrested at Downing Street.

She told PA the group’s plan was “only to display T-shirts and flags”, adding: “This is a dystopian nightmare.”

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Household Cavalry line up on The Mall

10:05 , Miriam Burrell

The Household Cavalry Mounted Band have lined up on the Mall ahead of the coronation procession starting in 15 minutes’ time.

Armed service personnel have also gathered in front of Buckingham Palace.

Rain started to fall steadily as members of Army, Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force stood in front of the Palace.

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Diamond Jubilee State Coach arrives at Buckingham Palace

10:16 , Miriam Burrell

The Diamond Jubilee State Coach, drawn by six Windsor grey horses, has arrived at Buckingham Palace for the King and Queen.


Coronation procession to begin in a few moments

10:20 , Miriam Burrell

The procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey is only a few moments away.

Thousands of royal fans will soon get a glimpse of the King and Queen Consort.


Rain starts to fall as procession begins

10:25 , Miriam Burrell

The King and Queen, escorted by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry, have departed Buckingham Palace in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach for Westminster Abbey.

The Adjutant in Brigade Waiting, Colonel Simon Vandeleur, signalled to the Guard of Honour to give a royal salute.

He gave the order at the front centre of the Buckingham Palace forecourt as the front wheel of the Diamond Jubilee Coach crossed the centre arch.

Col Vandeleur’s orders also prompted the Royal Marines Band Plymouth to begin playing the national anthem.

The mounted band of the Household Cavalry set off as the first note of “God Save the King” was played.


Pictured: King and Queen Consort travel past cheering crowds

10:28 , Miriam Burrell

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Fans wave flags and cheer as King travels down The Mall

10:33 , Miriam Burrell

The King and Queen Consort are now travelling down The Mall in drizzly conditions, past thousands of fans waving flags and cheering.

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(AFP via Getty Images)

Procession moves through Trafalgar Square and Whitehall

10:39 , Miriam Burrell

The coronation procession has travelled past Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall, where a large crowd of royal supporters and protesters have gathered.

Fans have cheered while others waved placards that said ‘Not My King’.

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Prince Harry arrives at Westminster Abbey

10:42 , Miriam Burrell

Prince Harry has arrived at Westminster Abbey ahead of the service, starting at 11am, along with other members of the royal family.

Anne and Andrew and their children all entered together along with Harry at just before 10.40am. Harry was seen chatting with his cousins.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has arrived as well as heads of state from the commonwealth.

Coronation procession reaches Parliament Square

10:46 , Miriam Burrell

The procesion is making its way through Parliament Square before shortly arriving at Westminster Abbey.

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(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

King and Queen Consort reach Westminster Abbey

10:49 , Miriam Burrell

The King and Queen Consort have arrived at Westminster Abbey.

The Diamond Jubilee State Coach has stopped outside the entrance.

King and Queen Consort enter Westminster Abbey

10:55 , Sarah Harvey

Bells ring out and trumpets have sounded inside Westminster Abbey as the King and Queen Consort enter.

Guests stand as an organ is played and a procession of religious leaders walks past including the Dean of Westminster.

Pictured: King inside Westminster Abbey

11:01 , Miriam Burrell

The Sovereign’s Escort Commander’s Trumpeter, Trooper Jackson has sounded a Royal Salute as the King and Queen left the Diamond Jubilee Coach.

King Charles and Queen Camilla entered the West Door of Westminster Abbey as four State Trumpeters of the Household Cavalry sounded from the Abbot’s Pew inside.

Mounted troops then moved off silently towards Victoria Street.

The Diamond Jubilee Coach is due to be taken to the Royal Mews, where it will be exchanged for the Gold State Coach.

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(Sky News)

King Charles: ‘I come not to be served but to serve'

11:06 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles and Queen Camilla have reached the front of Westminster Abbey as the service gets underway.

The King said he comes “not be served but to serve” in opening remarks.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has begun the service.

Pictured: Royal family at Westminster Abbey

11:10 , Miriam Burrell


King Charles presented to ‘the people’

11:15 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles has been presented to “the people” during the service at Westminster Abbey.

The King turned to face the four sides of the abbey and be proclaimed the “undoubted King” before the congregation was asked to show their homage and service.

The congregation could be heard shouting “God Save King Charles”.


King Charles declares he is ‘faithful Protestant'

11:20 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles has declared he is a “faithful Protestant” as he placed his hands on the Holy Bible.

“I Charles, do solomnly and sincerely protest, testify and declare that I am a faithful Protestant,” he said in front of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The King pledged “to secure the Protestant sucecssion to the throne”.


King Charles first to pray publicly

11:22 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles has become the first monarch to pray publicly at a coronation – praying for grace to be ‘a blessing to all… of every faith and belief’, and to serve after the pattern of Christ.

A special personal prayer was written for the King to reflect the “loving service” theme of the service, and the words were inspired in part by the popular hymn I Vow To Thee My Country.

He said: “God of compassion and mercy whose son was sent not to be served but to serve, give grace that I may find in thy service perfect freedom and in that freedom knowledge of thy truth.

“Grant that I may be a blessing to all thy children, of every faith and belief, that together we may discover the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace; through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.”

Coronation oath includes ‘people of all faiths'

11:25 , Miriam Burrell

For the first time, a preface has been added to the coronation oath in which the Archbishop said the Church of England “will seek to foster an environment where people of all faiths and beliefs may live freely”.

The Coronation Oath Act of 1688 requires the King to declare during his crowning ceremony that he will maintain the established Anglican Protestant Church, rule according to laws agreed in Parliament, and cause law, justice and mercy to be executed in his judgment.

Each part of the oath was framed as a question to King Charles, and he placed his hand on the Bible as he replied.

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Rishi Sunak reads biblical passage

11:30 , Miriam Burrell

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has read the Epistle – Colossians 1: 9 to the congregation at Westminster Abbey.

Lambeth Palace said that although Mr Sunak is a Hindu, he is reading as Prime Minister so there is no issue over his personal faith during the Anglican service.

“By him all things were created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible,” he read out.

“All things were created by him and for him and he is before all things.”

“This is the word of the Lord,” Mr Sunak said ending the passage.

Pictured: Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte

11:34 , Miriam Burrell

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‘We are here to crown a King’, says Archbishop

11:38 , Miriam Burrell

“We are here to crown a King and we crown a King to serve,” the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Portal Welby told the congregation.

He said: “Today we have the honour of being in this Abbey with so many who show such love. You build community, you serve the nation in armed forces, in emergency services and in so many other ways.”

Pictured: Coronation service

11:41 , Miriam Burrell

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King’s ceremonial robe removed ahead of anointing

11:48 , Miriam Burrell

The King has had his ceremonial robe removed before sitting in the coronation chair to be anointed.

The archbishop will pour special oil from the Ampulla - a gold flask - on to the Coronation Spoon before anointing the King in the form of a cross on his head, breast and hands.

The Archbishop prayed and gave thanks for the King’s holy oil, which was made sacred in Jerusalem, and consecrated by the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, The Most Reverend Dr Hosam Naoum.

A screen will be arranged around the chair to conceal the King from view, because this is considered to be the most sacred part of the service.

King dresses in ‘Supertunica’ gold coat

11:55 , Miriam Burrell

The King has been dressed in a white linen garment called Colobium Sindonis, a golden coat called the Supertunica and has had the coronation girdle placed around his waist.

After being sanctified at his anointing, the King was presented with the coronation regalia.

In recognition of multi-faith Britain, peers from non-Christian faith traditions were chosen to take part for the first time – but only held regalia that does not have explicit Christian motifs.

The King was handed the golden spurs – which symbolise knighthood and chivalry.

The Greek Choir sang Psalm 71 in tribute to the Greek heritage of the King’s father, Prince Philip.

Prince William clasps robe for King

12:00 , Miriam Burrell

The Prince of Wales has clasped a robe for his father, King Charles, ahead of him being crowned.

The orb has been placed in the King’s right hand. It represents the cosmos and Christ’s dominion.

“Receive this orb, rest under the cross and remember always that the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of Christ,” the Archbishop of Canterbury said.

King crowned by Archbishop

12:03 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles III has been crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

“God Save The King,” was sung out by the congregation before trumpets resounded throughout Westminster Abbey.

‘God Save The King!'

12:05 , Miriam Burrell

Before the King was officially crowned, the Dean of Westminster brought the crown to the Archbishop of Canterbury who said the prayer of blessing.

The Archbishop then brought the crown down onto the King’s head and proclaimed: “God save The King!”

The Archbishop adjusted the position of the crown on the King’s head for several seconds before it sat comfortably.

The congregation responded: “God save The King!”

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Bells ring out and gun salute fired

12:08 , Miriam Burrell

After the King was crowned, the bells of Westminster Abbey rang for two minutes and a fanfare was sounded.

A gun salute was also fired by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, stationed at Horse Guards Parade.

A 21-gun salute has sounded at Hillsborough Castle in Co Down, the royal residence in Northern Ireland, to mark the coronation of the King.

Hundreds of guests are watching the service on a screen within the grounds of the castle.

Thousands of people across Northern Ireland are following the ceremony from Westminster Abbey live on public screens including at Belfast City Hall, Ballymena, Larne, Carrickfergus, Bessbrook, Antrim, Jordanstown and Coleraine.

Prince William pledges allegience to King

12:14 , Miriam Burrell

Prince William has pledged allegience to his father, King Charles, before the congregation were “invited” to also pledge allegience.

The Prince of Wales knelt before his father, pledging his “loyalty” to the King, before kissing him on the right cheek.

Kneeling before the King, he said: “I, William, Prince of Wales, pledge my loyalty to you and faith and truth I will bear unto you, as your liege man of life and limb. So help me God.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury has paid homage to the King on behalf of the Church of England.

Homage of the People

12:15 , Miriam Burrell

People watching the coronation in the UK and across the world in the King’s overseas realms have been invited to join in by swearing allegiance to King Charles.

The Archbishop of Canterbury said: “I now invite those who wish to offer their support to do so, with a moment of private reflection, by joining in saying God save King Charles at the end or, for those with the words before them, to recite them in full.”

Those who replied said: “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

Pictured: King crowned

12:17 , Miriam Burrell


Joe Biden congratulates King

12:19 , Miriam Burrell

Congratulations for King Charles III are already pouring in, including from US President Joe Biden.

“The enduring friendship between the US and the UK is a source of strength for both our peoples,” he wrote on Twitter.

Mr Biden has not attended the coronation but his wife, Jill Biden, is there.

Queen officially enthroned

12:22 , Miriam Burrell

As Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s coronation anthem was sung, the Queen was officially enthroned.

The enthroning of the Queen was a moment in which Charles and Camilla were “united in their joint vocation before God”.


Pictured: Celebrations as King crowned

12:30 , Miriam Burrell

Hillsborough Castle in Northern Ireland (REUTERS)
Hillsborough Castle in Northern Ireland (REUTERS)
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King and Queen receive communion

12:34 , Miriam Burrell

The service then moved on to the Holy Communion, in which gifts of bread and wine were brought before the King for him to acknowledge.

The Archbishop of Canterbury delivered a prayer over the bread and wine and then the Eucharistic Prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer was then said before Holy Communion was received by the King and Queen.

Prince Louis spotted yawning during service

12:38 , Miriam Burrell

Prince Louis, 5, attended Westminster Abbey with his parents the Prince and Princess of Wales and siblings Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

During the first half of the ceremony, he could be seen letting out a big yawn, while also taking the opportunity to point out something of interest to his sister Charlotte.

He yawned again shortly after the King was crowned, just after midday.

Read more here.

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Departure: King to be dressed in imperial purple robe

12:41 , Miriam Burrell

The King and Queen Consort will leave their thrones and enter St Edward’s Chapel behind the high altar.

Here Charles will remove St Edward’s Crown and put on the Imperial State Crown before joining the procession out of Westminster Abbey as the national anthem is sung.

Pictured: Coronation service

12:48 , Miriam Burrell

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Bandsman falls ill during procession

12:51 , Miriam Burrell

A bandsman was taken ill while taking part in the procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey earlier this morning.

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(AFP via Getty Images)

Coronation service draws to a close

12:57 , Miriam Burrell

The coronation service at Westminster Abbey is drawing to a close.

The Gold State Coach to carry the King and Queen back to Buckingham Palace has arrived outside.

As the rain poured down, military personnel gathered along a road from the church ahead of the coronation procession.

Watch as King’s Guard struggles to control horse during Coronation procession

13:02 , Bill Mcloughlin

A member of the Household Cavalry struggled to control his horse during King Charles’s Coronation procession to Westminster Abbey.

While King Charles and Camilla, the Queen Consort, were escorted down The Mall, a member of the Life Guards - a regiment of the Household Cavalry - attempted to rein in his horse as it jolted across the road.

Despite not colliding with anyone during the 200-person Coronation procession, the horse could be seen bucking across The Mall as escorts of the procession quickly moved out of the way.

Read our story here.

King Charles leaves Westminster Abbey

13:04 , Bill Mcloughlin

King Charles has left Wesminster Abbey following the conclusion of the ceremony.

He and Camilla have now boarded the Gold State coach to return to Buckingham Palace.

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(Sky News)

Royal procession begins

13:10 , Bill Mcloughlin

The Royal Procession has begun with soldiers marching to the music of the Coronation Bells.

As the pair departed, the bells from Westminster Abbey rang out.

The carriage is surrounded by servicemen from across all his realms as it returns back along the 1.4 mile-long route.

The procession walks through Admiralty Arch

13:16 , Bill Mcloughlin

Up to 4,000 members are taking part in the procession back to the palace.

Withhin the procession, there are eight groups of personnel from around the Commonwealth and the UK.

In the second carriage are the Prince and Princess of Wales with their three children.

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(Sky News)

Prince Harry leaves the Westminster Abbey

13:20 , Bill Mcloughlin

Prince Harry has left Westminster Abbey as he makes his way back to the US.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex remained in the US for the Coronation for their son Archie’s birthday which is today.

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Protests continue in Trafalgar Square

13:23 , Bill Mcloughlin

Republican protests continued in Trafalgar Square as the King’s the procession moved past.

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(Sky News)

‘God Save The King!’ say Royal Navy onlookers

13:26 , Bill Mcloughlin

Watching aboard the HMS Northumberland, members of the Royal Navy watched on as the King was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

Pictured: Smiling Princess Charlotte waves to the crowd

13:30 , Bill Mcloughlin

Princess Charlotte waved to onlookers as she joined her parents and two siblings to return to the palace.


Charles and Camilla return to Buckingham Palace

13:38 , Bill Mcloughlin

King Charles and Camilla have returned to Buckingham Palace ahead of the flypast.

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(Sky News)

‘May King Charles III be crowned with thy gracious favour'

13:46 , Bill Mcloughlin

The Archbishop of Canterbury has followed up the ceremony by paying further tribute to King Charles III.

Military gives a royal salute to the King

13:53 , Bill Mcloughlin

King Charles has received the royal salute from the military alongside Camilla.

The national anthem was then played for the newly anointed monarch followed by three cheers for the King and Queen.

Coronation flypast route: When and where to watch the Red Arrows

13:54 , Bill Mcloughlin

The day of the King’s Coronation has arrived, and to mark the historic event the Red Arrows are billed to perform an incredible flypast.

More than 60 aircraft are expected to soar over the capital, flying over Buckingham Palace at 2.30pm on Saturday (6 May) to mark the end of the official crowning ceremony.

Read our story here for full details of the route.

Gun salute rings out from Hillsborough Castle

14:03 , Bill Mcloughlin

A 21-gun salute rang out from Hillsborough Castle in Co Down to mark the Coronation of the King.

The official ceremony took place in the village of Royal Hillsborough, the home of the royal residence in Northern Ireland.

Under grey skies, the rain held off as 2,000 people gathered in the grounds of the castle to watch the coronation service live on a large screen.

At the moment Charles was crowned at Westminster Abbey in London, the cannons were sounded by reservists from the 206 (Ulster) Battery of the 105th Regiment of the Royal Artillery.

Assistant Commander Matt Wills, the most senior Army reservist officer in Northern Ireland, said it was a privilege to take part in the ceremony.

He said: "Today is a fantastic day, it is the coronation of our new King and we are here celebrating it at Hillsborough Castle.

"What a day to celebrate and what a venue to be at. It is a hugely important day and in particular for the Army reserve in Northern Ireland.

"The guns that were firing today at the royal gun salute are provided by the Army reserve from 206 (Ulster) Battery based in Newtownards and Coleraine.

"It is an absolute privilege to be here and a privilege for the Army reserve to play such an important role on a day like today."

Royal Hillsborough Castle and Gardens (REUTERS)
Royal Hillsborough Castle and Gardens (REUTERS)

Flypast scaled back

14:05 , Sarah Harvey

The military flypast over Buckingham Palace to mark the coronation of the King and Queen has been scaled down because of the weather and will now be formed ofhelicopters and The Red Arrows, the Ministry of Defence said. You can read more here.

Crowds walked to the palace ahead of the flypast

14:14 , Bill Mcloughlin

Eager onlookers have been walked down The Mall ahead of the royal flypast.

The flypast was initially due to feature up to 60 aircraft including a Lancaster bomber, a Hurricane and a Spitfire and last for six minutes.

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(Sky News)

Charles and Camilla appear at the balcony ahead of the flypast

14:28 , Bill Mcloughlin

King Charles and Queen Camilla have appeared at the balcony ahead of the flypast before they waved to onlookers surrounding the Victoria Memorial.

Other royals including Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales then joined the pair.

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(Sky News s)

Flypast begins

14:30 , Bill Mcloughlin

The flypast has begun led by military helicopters in what is a scaled down operation.

Red Arrows fly over Buckingham Palace

14:33 , Bill Mcloughlin

The Red Arrows have flown over Buckingham Palace showcasing the colours of the UK flag.

The flypast lasted for two minutes and thirty seconds rather than the scheduled six minutes.

At least 10 helicopters took part in the flypast alongside a Red Arrows squad of nine Hawk jets. Within the waves of helicopters were Junos, Wildcats, Apaches, Merlins, a Chinook and Pumas.

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National anthem sung outside the palace

14:35 , Bill Mcloughlin

After the Red Arrows flew over the palace, the national anthem was sung as the King and Queen looked on and waved.

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Charles and Camilla reappear

14:38 , Bill Mcloughlin

Charles and Camilla have appeared at the palace balcony once more to wave to onlookers.

Pictured: Royals on the balcony

14:52 , Bill Mcloughlin

After a brief moment, other members of the Royal Family joined Charles and Camilla at the palace balcony in front of the thousands at the Victoria Memorial.

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‘It’s been so emotional’: Royal fans praise special event

15:07 , Bill Mcloughlin

Speaking to the Standard as they watched on, Kate, Fiona and Caroline spoke of their pride at being able to witness such a historic event.

“We’ve be crying on and off all day with emotion. It’s been fantastic,” said Kate.

“We would not have missed it,” said Caroline.

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

Video: The moment Charles, Camilla and other royals appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony

15:12 , Bill Mcloughlin

Here is the special moment Charles and Camilla appear on the balcony to the delight of the thousands of onlookers.

Chelsea pensioners march through Kings Road

15:17 , Bill Mcloughlin

To mark the day, the Chelsea pensioners marched down the Kings Road on Saturday.

‘Worth getting wet for’: Fans gush over Coronation

15:42 , Bill Mcloughlin

Speaking of their experiences of the day, one group were overjoyed by the glimpse they got to see of Charles and Camilla.

“It was worth getting wet for,” said Carol. “It was a lovely spirit with everyone who was queuing.”

“The crowd loved it, everyone enjoyed it. It was just amazing.”


Watch as horse backs into crowds after being spooked

15:47 , Bill Mcloughlin

This is the moment a horse backed into the crowd gathered to witness the royal procession.

Tory MP Lee Anderson tells anti-monarchy protesters to ‘emigrate’

15:59 , Bill Mcloughlin

Senior Tory MP Lee Anderson has drawn ire for telling anti-monarchy activists to “emigrate”.

The deputy chairman of the Conservative Party was commenting on the arrests of protesters from the Republic group ahead of the Coronation on Saturday morning.

Police have face criticism after a number of people were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance, a move described by human rights organisations as “a dangerous precedent for us as a democratic nation”.

But Mr Anderson appeared to side with the police, especially against protesters who were holding up signs reading Not My King near Buckingham Palace.

Sharing an article on the arrests on Twitter, Mr Anderson wrote: “Not My King?

“If you do not wish to live in a country that has a monarchy the solution is not to turn up with your silly boards. The solution is to emigrate.”

Coronation revellers on the Circle line

16:18 , Bill Mcloughlin

After enjoying the special day, Coronation revellers were heard singing on Circle line on Saturday afternoon.

Missed the Coronation? Here are some highlights

16:28 , Bill Mcloughlin

Here are some highlights from the incredible day, including the dazzling service at Westminster Abbey.

Fifth Coronation where it has rained, Met Office says

16:45 , Bill Mcloughlin

Rain has fallen on the last five coronation days, according to analysis by the Met Office.

A trawl through the archives by weather experts shows that rain fell on all four coronation days before Saturday’s historic ceremony, including that of the late Queen in 1953.

Crowds in London for the coronation of King Charles on Saturday were also forced to put up umbrellas and wear plastic ponchos as rain dominated the day.

A Met Office spokesman told the PA news agency: “Rain on coronations seems to be a running theme - for the coronation today, we saw rain.

“It isn’t unusual at this (or any) time of year to see rain, more of just a coincidence that they have all seen rain at points throughout the day.

“The coronations have all been held at different times of the year so it becomes less of a comparison, but it’s still overall an interesting fact.”

 (via REUTERS)

Red Arrows posts flypast video

17:03 , Bill Mcloughlin

The Red Arrows have posted a video of the jets travelling across London for the Coronation.

The Royal Family Twitter page also posted a video of the jets flying over the palace.

Met Police makes 52 arrests on the day

17:29 , Bill Mcloughlin

The Met Police has said that 52 arrests were made on Coronation Saturday.

The offences ranged from affray, public order offences, breach of the peace and conspiracy to cause a public nuisance.

All of those arrested remain in custody. Some of those arrested included anti-monarchy protesters including chief executive of Republic, Graham Smith this morning.

Commander Karen Findlay, who is leading the operation, said: “This has been a magnificent team effort and everyone in the Met is hugely proud to have played our role.

"Our first priority has been to ensure that the tens of thousands who travelled into London today, and millions more around the world, were able to enjoy a safe, secure and dignified Coronation.

"Our heartfelt thanks goes to everyone. I know our colleagues take great satisfaction from the warm comments from the public they have met.”

Katy Perry stumbles while departing King and Queen’s coronation service

18:16 , Bill Mcloughlin

US singer Katy Perry appeared to lose her footing as she departed the King and Queen’s coronation service.

The pop star, who was wearing a bespoke lilac skirt suit by Vivienne Westwood, was supported by other guests from the ceremony after she nearly took a tumble on her way out of the service which took place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday.

Perry, who is an ambassador for The British Asian Trust, a charity founded by the King when he was prince of Wales, will also perform at Sunday’s Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle.

Read our story here.

Rishi Sunak welcomes Justin Trudeau after Coronation ceremony

18:21 , Bill Mcloughlin

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau to Downing Street on Saturday afternoon as part of a series of bilateral meetings around the King's coronation.

Mr Trudeau, one of the world leaders to watch the crowning at Westminster Abbey earlier, was met by Mr Sunak at the famous black door.

"Very good to see you," the Prime Minister said.

The pair shook hands, hugged and smiled at the cameras before heading inside for talks.

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Penny Mordaunt honoured to take part in Coronation

18:33 , Bill Mcloughlin

Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt was tasked with holding the ceremonial sword during the service in Westminster Abbey

Following the ceremony said she was "honoured" to have been part of the Coronation.

Carrying out her role as Lord President of the Council, she said: "I'm very aware that our armed forces, police officers and others have been marching or standing for hours as part of the ceremony or to keep us all safe.

"In comparison, my job was rather easier."
