King Charles' witty one-word response to fan who asked if he wanted to grab a beer

King Charles is seemingly no stranger to treating himself to a beer when travelling around the UK and further afield on royal duties.

So it's no wonder that one keen royal fan invited Charles out for a pint while he was once on his travels - and the monarch left the crowds in stitches with his quick and witty one-word response.

The incident took place in August 2022, while Charles was still Prince of Wales. As we reported, he was visiting Birmingham's Victoria Square after being at the Commonwealth Games.

As he was spotted making his way through the crowds, a local man named Daniel Walker who was on his way to meet some pals for a drink took the opportunity to ask the royal to join him.

A video of the encounter shows Daniel shouting: "Charles, Charles, are you going to go for a beer?"

King Charles III attends a garden party at Hillsborough Castle on May 24, 2023 in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Charles had a bit of banter with a local man who asked him to join him and his pals for a beer -Credit:Tim Rooke - Pool/Getty Images

Charles then turns round and replies: "What?" and when Daniel repeats himself, he cheekily replies: "Where?" leaving the other well-wishers in fits of laughter.

Daniel then suggests: "Anywhere, Albert's Schloss?" with Charles saying: "Thank you so much."

But Daniel's encounter with the King didn't end there. He told Birmingham Live after the chance encounter: "I walked around and I could see his security guard wanted to speak to me.

"I introduced myself and he said if you hang out here you can chat to him. I waited around five minutes and Prince Charles came over and asked me what I did and shook my hand.

"He said 'good luck with your ventures'. It's changed my view of Prince Charles. I thought the Royal Family was stuck up. I am all about laughs and jokes. My mates thought I was lying."

The King has been busy over the past couple of weeks after returning to work. He had stepped away for duties following his announcement that he had been diagnosed with cancer in January.

On Monday, Charles officially appointed Prince William as the head of Harry's former regiment, the Army Air Corps, in a move perceived as a significant slight to his brother.

This decision comes after news surfaced that Prince Harry did not have plans to see his father during a brief trip to the UK last week. The formal transfer of the Colonel-in-Chief title to William was conducted yesterday (Monday) at the Army Aviation Centre in Middle Wallop.

Additionally, King Charles took the opportunity to reveal a commemorative plaque marking the introduction of the first Apache AH Mk. 1 into a British museum collection.

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