He was known as a hard working family man but that all changed in one night

Salman Ahmed
-Credit: (Image: Merseyside Police)

A family man's life came crashing down when the police stopped his taxi and looked in his jacket pocket.

Salman Ahmed was caught with thousands of pounds of cocaine following the search of his vehicle and home by officers. He was said to have turned to drugs when work "dried up" during the covid pandemic.

Liverpool Crown Court heard today, Friday, that police on duty in Liverpool city centre pulled over the 53-year-old's taxi and discovered 29 wraps of cocaine in his jacket. A search of Ahmed's house then revealed a further 32 packages.

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Paul Blasbery, prosecuting, described how the total value of these drugs was up to £3,172. A total of £560 in cash was also seized from the address.

Ahmed, of Dulas Road in Wavertree, has no previous convictions. Matthew O'Neil, defending, told the court: "He is a hard working man who has worked a variety of jobs for the majority of his adult life.

"He is a family man. He has raised four children with his wife, and to his credit he has done so to an extremely high standard.

"A number of his children are in useful employment. I understand that he and his wife are currently in divorce proceedings.

"He has certainly had a difficult time for the past number of years and found himself addicted to class A drugs during the pandemic, when work dried up and the stresses of life became all too much for him. The thought of losing his liberty today has no doubt exasperated his mental health problems.

"He has made significant changes to his lifestyle since the commission of this offence. Character references describe him as a hard working family man, giving a completely different side to the one caught on the day of his arrest supplying drugs."

Ahmed admitted possession of cocaine with intent to supply. He was jailed for 39 months.

Sentencing, Judge David Prowse said: "This was a commercial enterprise. You are of previous good character, and that goes very much in your favour together with the other aspects of your character that we have heard about.

"You were a hard working man. You managed to get to 50 years of age in life without committing any offences.

"It is very sad that you have turned to crime, I am satisfied as a result of the pandemic. You were not able to continue your employment and took drugs.

"It was taking drugs that led to you dealing drugs. You are drug free now."

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