KPS board reorganizes positions

Apr. 12—The Keys School Board of Education swore in a new member and underwent reorganization during last Thursday's meeting.

Phillip Manes was sworn in for Seat No. 4, which was previously occupied by Radean Foreman.

During the reorganization, Dexter Scott was kept as president, while Beth Brandt switched from secretary to vice president. Bobby Musgrove Jr. was then moved to the clerk post, and Rick Patrick became the assistant secretary.

The board had more training for the artificial intelligence program Khanmigo Saturday, April 6. Principal Steve Goss said he found some recent training o be eye-opening, as it helps meet students at their level.

"This going to give our kids chances to get truly individualized education. It's not replacing the teacher in any way, shape or form. It's not replacing the content. ... It's just truly going to know 'John' has trouble with this because this is kind of question John asked me the most when he is doing his homework," Goss said.

Goss said they found the program will help walk students through questions. Goss said it helps teachers tailor instruction for each student. After seeing an example of an IEP being written for a student, Goss said he believes it can shave hours off of teachers' plates.

"I'm so impressed with this my thought for next year is I want everyone of my subjects [to have it]," Goss said. "I'm going to require my core subjects to enroll each one of their kids in Khan Academy."

Keys Elementary Jon Mages said the program even wrote the IEP in educational language and gave more information than is often put on the form. Mages said he wants to continue implementing the AI program Amira.

"If we're going to grow, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, so we've got to push it to where we all want to be," Goss said.

The board then approved a contract with accountant Kevin Dudley as school treasurer to provide 2024-'25 payroll services. A contract with Tom Cameron & Associates was accepted to allow the group to provide federal programs services for the upcoming year. The board also opened up an activity account named the "Keys Color Guard."

An item pertaining to the Oklahoma State School Boards Association's Facilities Planning Services and Strategic Planning Services was tabled for a later meeting. Brandt said the OSSBA provides the services at cost.

For the Facilities Planning Services, Brandt said the group would look at the capacity standards of Keys, technology, where they currently stand, future growth, and more. The group would then help to predict growth for the district and establish a plan to deal with it.

The Strategic Planning Services is often done before the Facilities Planning Services. Brandt said the plan looks at where a district wants to be, and its current status.

Goss said those with the Strategic Planning Service are proponents of PLCs, which will restructure instruction at Keys. Goss said most districts that use Strategic Planning Services are often in distress.

"I think we're in a position where we need to aim higher and to get better," Goss said.

Chip Collins was hired as the elementary basketball coach, and Jake Phillips will now be the assistant football coach.

What's next

The Keys School Board of Education will meet again May 9 at 6 p.m. at the high school.