Labour should be 'up front' about King Alfred before election, former councillor says

Dawn Barnett has called for a decision on the King Alfred Leisure Centre and Benfield Valley to be brought forward <i>(Image: The Argus)</i>
Dawn Barnett has called for a decision on the King Alfred Leisure Centre and Benfield Valley to be brought forward (Image: The Argus)

A former councillor has called for an announcement on the site for the new King Alfred Leisure Centre to be made before the General Election.

Dawn Barnett said this would the council is “up front” with voters and people can cast their ballot while fully informed.

Dawn, a councillor in Hangleton for nearly two decades, has campaigned tirelessly to protect Benfield Valley and has called for Brighton and Hove City Council not to build a new leisure centre on the green land.

Now, with a decision coming in the middle of July, the 82-year-old has called for the Labour-run council’s new cabinet to bring it forward to before the General Election on July 4.

Dawn Barnett

Council leader Bella Sankey hit back at the suggestion, saying she would not “engage in silly games”.

Dawn, who has campaigned to protect Benfield Valley throughout her time as a Conservative councillor and after, said: "They [the council] need to be up front about it. If they build on Benfield Valley they are opening up to building right through to the houses.

"I have fought and fought and fought to stop it being built on. At the end of the day it's some of the last bits of green land in Hove.

"These days kids have nowhere to go and explore, it has all been developed on.

"People use the park and take their dogs for a walk there. When my kids grew up they were lucky to have a garden but kids don't these days. It's disgusting."

The King Alfred Leisure Centre (Image: The Argus)

Benfield Valley is one of the sites being considered for a new leisure centre to replace the current King Alfred on Hove seafront.

Other options include redeveloping the current site.

In response to the claims, council leader Bella Sankey said: “As the General Election gets closer and the failures and corruption of this Tory government become clearer, local Tories are getting desperate in their campaign tactics.

“The decision on the redevelopment of the King Alfred is coming to July cabinet, following consideration of the important feedback received in the consultation.

“Unlike the failed Tory government, and the local Conservatives that were roundly rejected by Brighton and Hove residents, we make proper decisions and don't engage in silly games.”