Leicester market traders feel betrayed over 'broken promises' after news they may never return to historic home

Odel Pittard, Leicester Market trader
-Credit: (Image: LeicestershireLive/Leicester Mercury)

Traders have said they feel betrayed after plans to bring Leicester market into the 21st Century were today paused. They have accused city mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who took the decision to put the regeneration on hold, of stabbing them in the back.

The mayor announced the pause today, saying the removal of the market’s roof had revealed the “huge potential” of the space formerly occupied by the stalls, and opened up views of the heritage buildings lining the square. He said the revelation had prompted questions over whether installing a new covered market in the square “would be the right thing to do”.

Instead, the market place could be left empty to be used as an open space which could host festivals and specialist markets, celebrations such as the recent Leicester City Football Club parade and generally serve as “an important meeting place at the heart of the city centre”. The city’s historic fruit and veg market would need a new home, however, and this has caused anger and concern among those whose livelihoods depend on it.

READ MORE: Leicester Market might never return to historic home as regeneration plans 'paused'

Traders moved into Green Dragon Square in December with promises they would be back in their historic home by the end of this year. They told LeicestershireLive at the time that they were not fully convinced the plan for the new-look market would come to fruition.

One trader, Odel Pittard, said today she felt she had been “stabbed in the back”. Her family has owned a stall on the market for generations so, for her, it is not just a job but part of her heritage.

She told LeicestershireLive: “I feel like they’ve made a lot of promises to the traders and they’ve gone back on the promises. I do feel like I’ve been stabbed in the back.”

She said she could understand that they are trying to think logically about how best to enliven the city centre, but for the traders, she added, it is “all a big worry at the minute” and business in Green Dragon Square “is really bad”.

Some of the traders, including Ms Pittard, were invited to a meeting this morning with the mayor to discuss the changes and, during the meeting, the idea to use the proposed Cank Street Link as the new home of the market was floated. The link plans will see a number of buildings between Green Dragon Square and Cank Street demolished and the car park on the Cank Street side used for specialised trading.

Earlier proposals for relocating the market there suggest the entrance on the Green Dragon Square could be widened compared to original plans and covered to make a new space for the displaced traders.

Ms Pittard said this was not an idea with which they were happy. However, one of the traders at the meeting had suggested the market spill out onto Green Dragon Square if the Cank Street link proposal were to be taken forward to allow those with stalls more space.

This was a better concept, she felt. However, she added “there are a lot of problems with this market, with the drainage and the roof, that need to be adjusted before that happens.”

Ms Pittard was not the only trader unconvinced by the new proposal. Vicki Morris, who has worked on the market for 42 years, said she did not believe the Cank Street relocation would work. She told LeicestershireLive: “It's too enclosed. It's not big enough. We should go back to where we love.”

Vicki Morris, Leicester market trader
Vicki Morris, Leicester market trader -Credit:LeicestershireLive/Leicester Mercury

Ms Morris added she felt the traders had been “lied to” by the council. She continued: “At the end of the day, this was only [meant to be] temporary. That market has been standing now for over 700 years.

“Why can't we go back? That is where we're best known. It's a big landmark of the city. Everybody knows the market, we've won loads of awards. We should be put back.”

Paul Abbott has worked in the market on and off since the age of 16. He said he had “known from day one” the traders would not return to the Market Place so while he felt “betrayed” by the news, he was “not surprised”.

Another trader, Nitin Gohil, who has a key cutting stall, said traders needed to see “more concrete plans” so they could know where they stand. He said: “If we had more concrete plans and more of a time scale, it would help. Just a bit more openness. We're the heart of the market and we need to know where we stand and what to tell our customers as well.”

Nitin Gohil, Leicester market trader
Nitin Gohil, Leicester market trader -Credit:LeicestershireLive/Leicester Mercury

Mr Gohil said he only opened his stall just before Christmas, when the traders moved to Green Dragon Square. He said it’s been “a struggle”.

“It feels like they're not helping us,” he said. “They keep changing their minds and not doing what they promise, such as advertising and bringing people here. It doesn't help.”

Sir Peter said: “I met with representatives of the market traders this morning (Wednesday) to explain my shift in thinking and to talk through the ideas. While I fully appreciate their concerns about work being paused on site, I hope I was able to convey that I believe we have an opportunity to make a good scheme even better.

Paul Abbott, Leicester Market trader
Paul Abbott, Leicester Market trader -Credit:LeicestershireLive/Leicester Mercury

“The proposed location for Leicester Market is a brand new cut-through that would link Market Place with Cank Street and the shops and bars of St Martin’s Square. Footfall would therefore be high – and the market’s proximity to the popular Food Hall would create a strong food-themed destination.

With Marks and Spencer announcing the closure of its Gallowtree Gate store, and with city centres everywhere becoming less reliant on traditional retail, it’s clear that Leicester city centre must keep evolving to ensure that it continues to be somewhere that people want to visit – and want to invest in.”

He added: “This new proposal would provide our market traders with the clean, contemporary and attractive market area they need – and provide the city with a striking open space that could become home to the Christmas ice rink, the summer beach, live performances, outdoor cinema, food and drink festivals, national celebrations, and even open-top bus parades for our brilliant sports clubs.

“Of course there’d be work to do to upgrade and refurbish the beautiful old buildings that surround the space, and to attract the cafés and bars that would help to animate it, but our intention would be to seek funding to support the conservation work and to work with development partners to bring new life to the area.

“I’m now convinced that the right thing to do is to pause work on the current scheme to give people a chance to have their say, and I look forward to hearing those views.”

However, Leicester’s Conservative Party, the main opposition on Leicester City Council, is less convinced. Leader Hemant Rae Bhatia said: “The Conservative group is shocked by the decision to halt the market development. Substantial funds have already been invested, and it is unacceptable for the council to waste even more resources, especially given our dire financial situation and looming bankruptcy.

“During the original consultation with traders, why were these issues not addressed? This oversight raises serious questions about the decision-making process within the council. Was the city mayor intentionally concealing his plans behind the Cank Street planning application?

“This is a thoroughly unprofessional and financially irresponsible that also leaves traders and our city centre in a further unacceptable state of uncertainty.”

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