Lorry danger fears as drivers ignore Swanscombe diversion

A woman whose car was hit by an HGV on a narrow Swanscombe street is calling for action from police and council officials before "someone gets run over". Rae Bottomley, 56, of Trebble Road, said her 10-year-old Honda Civic was struck and damaged by a Hungarian truck late last month and fears it may be written off by her insurance company.

Swanscombe residents say HGVs are using narrow side streets to avoid the diversion set up when a landslide happened on the A226, Galley Hill Road. They are calling on Kent County Council (KCC) and Kent Police to take action before there is a serious injury.

She said: “We’ve all been saying that something’s going to happen, that someone’s going to get run over.”

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Of the damage caused to her car, the mother of one added: “I was very upset about it…the lorry should never have been coming down our road in the first place. You just don’t expect to be able to park your car over your drive just for a short while, and then a lorry comes along and takes the side of it off.”

Mrs Bottomley has yet to hear if the car will be written off by her insurers and claims it might take up to a year to sort out because it is a foreign-registered vehicle. She said a neighbour’s van was also damaged by a lorry whose driver left the scene without stopping.

Graham Taylor, 64, of the Swanscombe and Greenhithe Residents’ Association, confirmed there are “regular reports” of articulated lorries causing damage to cars. The presence of two large lorry parks nearby is making the problem more acute, he said.

Landslip lorry CCTV image
Landslip lorry CCTV image -Credit:LDRS

He said: “It’s the lorries using these big lorry parks which seem to be causing the problems. There certainly seems to be at least an incident every week. Some of the signage did reduce the incidents initially, but we’ve still got a hard core of lorries that are ignoring them. KCC also needs to look at more creative measures to restrict traffic flow.

“We know it’s difficult, there’s got to be room for access, the buses have got to get through, dust carts have got to get through, legitimate deliveries to the co-op and so on have got to get through, but the big lorries can’t. A lot of residents would like to see some form of height restriction put in. Because it can be pitched at a height that lets the buses through, but stops the big lorries.”

Cllr Claire Pearce (Lab) of Dartford Borough Council said: “People’s cars and people’s properties are being damaged. And it’s only a matter of time before something more dangerous happens. I know KCC has put signs up…but people are not taking notice. There needs to be more restrictions in place at both the ends just to make sure they’re not coming through a residential area.”

Rae Bottomley, who is calling for action on the issue
Rae Bottomley, who is calling for action on the issue -Credit:LDRS

North Kent Chief Inspector, of Kent Police, Will Lay said: “Local officers and roads policing patrols will respond to reports a HGV is committing a traffic offence when they are not engaged on emergency calls and other urgent duties. The local beat officer has been speaking to residents and business owners and has set up an online portal for information and videos of suspected offences to be submitted.

“He has also been in contact with foreign and UK freight operators whose vehicles regularly travel through Swanscombe and Greenhithe to ensure their drivers avoid the area. In addition, we are working with partners to explore opportunities to prevent lorries that breach the weight restriction from using this route. This includes Kent County Council teams ensuring clear signage is in place.”

A spokesperson for KCC said: “We are aware of issues relating to lorries breaching road closures and weight restrictions in the area and we will be ensuring clearer signage is amended as and when it is required. We will continue to work closely with partners to find a solution to the issue.”

The lorry company declined to comment.