M6 driver's car now mangled wreck after 'falling asleep' and crashing into lorry

Motorway police say a motorist 'fell asleep' before ploughing into a truck on the M6 through North Staffordshire. The driver is said to have had a 'lucky escape' following the smash.

An image shared by officers with Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG), which patrols the M6 and A500, shows the extent of the damage to the front of the car. The driver will now be reported for driving without due care and attention.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the officers say it was fortunate he didn't hurt anyone else.

The post states: "The dangers of driving whilst tired are very real. This driver has had a lucky escape after falling asleep at the wheel and colliding with the rear of a moving HGV on the M6 at Stoke-on-Trent. Also luckily he didn’t injure anyone else. The driver has been reported for driving without due care and attention."

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