All the major revelations from Phillip Schofield’s emotional BBC interview

Exactly a week on from when Phillip Schofield dropped the bombshell statement in which he admitted to an “unwise but not illegal” relationship with a runner over 20 years his junior behind the scenes at This Morning, the presenter has given his first interviews on the topic.

Schofield has spoken to The Sun, which was also the first publication he allowed to interview him after he came out as gay in February 2020, as well as the BBC. He addressed the scandal, offered his side of the story and revealed the toll it’s taken on him professionally and personally.

While a short clip from Schofield’s interview with The Sun has been gaining traction due to his consistent vaping and adamant denials of grooming the young man he first met when he was 15, it’s the 43 minute long BBC interview which features some of the biggest revelations since the scandal first broke. Here’s the rundown.

1. He has paid for his ex-lover’s lawyer

Early in the interview, BBC journalist Amol Rajan quizzes Schofield on the last time he and the runner with whom he had the affair had spoken. Schofield reveals that it was recently, when he set the runner up with a lawyer, who he (Schofield) is paying for. “He needed independent support,” Schofield says, sharing how he set the young man up with a lawyer a “couple of weeks ago now.”

2. He denies having any sexual or romantic contact with the man before he was 20 years old

Despite Schofield having met the young runner when he was 15 after visiting his school, the This Morning presenter insists that there was no sexual or romantic element to their relationship until the runner was 20 years old. The pair occasionally talked on Twitter when the boy was between 15-20 years of age, but Schofield said that it took a couple of months of the young man working on the show for it to become sexual between them both. “He’d been working on the show for a couple of months and we’d become mates, we were mates,” he said.

Phillip Schofield was interviewed by Amol Rajan (BBC)
Phillip Schofield was interviewed by Amol Rajan (BBC)

3. Their first intimate experience together was in Schofield’s dressing room

Perhaps the biggest bombshell of the interview came around seven minutes in, when Schofield admits that he and the runner’s first intimate experience happened in his This Morning dressing room. “And then, in my dressing room one day, something happened,” he says, “which obviously I will regret forever, for him and for me, mostly him.” He later adds: “I kissed someone in the workplace, which led on to a little bit more.”

4. Schofield insists they weren’t in love or a couple

Schofield claims that he and the young runner had only “five or six” sexual encounters and that the two of them were never in love and were not boyfriends. Throughout the BBC interview he repeatedly calls the boy a “mate” and when Amol Rajan asks Schofield if he loved the young man, he responds: “No, we were just mates, we were mates.”

5. He says the runner hasn’t signed an NDA

Addressing the rumours of superinjunctions and non-disclosure agreements, Schofield says there is nothing of the sort in place. “No, I was asked that earlier on — did I make him sign an NDA? — no, absolutely not.”

He also denies claims that the runner was “paid off” by himself or ITV and says he is free to speak if he wishes, though he predicts that he doesn’t want to. “What he wants is for all of this to all go away,” Schofield says, “he wants a quiet life, he didn’t want any of this to happen in the first place.”

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby (PA) (PA Archive)
Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby (PA) (PA Archive)

6. ‘Holly didn’t know’

Reinforcing his co-host’s statement in which she said she was lied to about the relationship, Schofield says that Holly never knew about it, and that if she had asked “I would have denied it,” adding, “Holly did not know. Nobody knew.”

7. He says he has been near-suicidal

At one particularly tense point in the BBC interview, Schofield addresses the public, saying “Do you want me to die? Because that is where I am at,” and shares how his daughters have been effectively kept a suicide watch for the past month to make sure their father is safe.

“My girls saved my life,” he says, “they haven’t left me for a month, they’ve been by my side for a month because they’re scared to let me out of their sight [...] and they said to me ‘Don’t you dare do this on [our] watch.’”

8. He compares himself to Caroline Flack

In the same section of the interview, Schofield compares himself to former Love Island host and ITV icon Caroline Flack, who died by suicide in 2020 after her arrest for assault led to a tough period of public and press scrutiny. “How much do you want a man to take, and are you truly only happy when he’s dead? And this is how Caroline Flack felt... and it didn’t stop.”

Phillip Schofield compared the pressure he was under to Caroline Flack’s experience (BBC)
Phillip Schofield compared the pressure he was under to Caroline Flack’s experience (BBC)

9. Denies that there’s any ‘toxicity’ at This Morning

After Schofield’s sex scandal brought This Morning’s off-screen relationships into question, some have claimed that the show is a “toxic” place, and even complained of discrimination (this complaint was not upheld by ITV).

“Some people perhaps may be toxic and see toxicity everywhere because that’s the lens that they’re looking at the world [with],” he says, “there is no toxicity, there is no bullying, there is no bullying at This Morning.”

10. He and Holly aren’t speaking

Schofield also reassures that he has no issue with Holly Willoughby, despite reports that their relationship was “strained” ahead of the scandal breaking, but that she isn’t speaking to him at the moment, likely because she isn’t “allowed.”

“[The last time I spoke to Holly] I Whatsapped her on the day that I put the statement up and I said to her ‘I know you can’t reply, you’re probably not allowed to, but please know that I am so desperately sorry.’” Amol Rajan asks if Holly replied, and Schofield says, “No.”

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were once best friends (PA Archive)
Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were once best friends (PA Archive)

11. He claims he didn’t buy taxis for the runner with ITV money

Responding to claims from ex-This Morning presenter Eamonn Holmes, alleging Schofield had used ITV money to buy taxis to and from his flat for the young runner, Schofield says: “He didn’t frequently come to my flat, he came to the flat once, to my recollection he didn’t stay over, he said he was passing and he was going to come in for a beer [...] Utterly, utterly untrue. And also I don’t have an ITV car account, presenters don’t get that.”

12. Refuses to share if he had gay experiences before the runner

Schofield, who has been married to his wife Stephanie Lowe for roughly 30 years (the pair are currently separated but still “very much together,” he says), says he realised he was gay during his relationship with the runner.

“My relationship with my colleague coincided with that moment [of realisation],” he reveals. However, he refuses to answer a question about whether he’d had gay experiences before, when he may have also been married, saying “I think this interview’s not about other experiences.”