Man climbs and descends the total height of Everest in a day on his stairs at home

A daredevil Brit climbed and descended the height of Mount Everest in a single day - on his stairs at home. Sean Gee, 37, took on the monumental challenge of climbing to the peak of the world’s highest mountain at his four-bed suburban home - and he's potentially set a new world record in the process. In total, he completed 11.8 miles (17km) of elevation change in 22 hours and 57 minutes, climbing 8,848 metres up to the peak and down again. He climbed up 3,277 floors - the equivalent of over 32 Empire State Buildings. Sean has always wanted to climb Everest but couldn’t afford to do so – it currently costs £8,900 for a permit and is set to rise to £11,780 in 2025. So instead, he decided to make the arduous journey from the comfort of his then home in Las Vegas, USA. Now he's waiting for confirmation that he holds the Guinness World Record for the first person to ascend and descend the height of Everest in 24 hours.