Man woke partner up screaming 'you’re a s**g like your mother' before terrifying attack

-Credit: (Image: ALAN DEMPSEY)
-Credit: (Image: ALAN DEMPSEY)

A Manchester man who attacked his partner in the middle of the night with a wine glass in front of their 11-month-old daughter has avoided jail.

Tayeb Garci, 29, hit his partner in the head with the glass during a terrifying unprovoked assault in August 2021. The victim said in a statement that she “felt worthless and intimidated” following the attack that has severely impacted her mental health.

A court heard on Friday (May 24) that after the attack at her home she felt “disappointed in myself, that my daughter was there when it was my job to keep her safe. I can’t even keep myself safe. I have to live with that every day."

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Kate Morley, prosecuting, told Liverpool Crown Court that the couple’s daughter was 11 months old at the time of the incident on August 30, 2021.

She said the couple went to a child’s birthday party that day and neither drank but when they returned home about 8pm Garci, of Burnage, bought a bottle of vodka and wine for them.

Tayeb Garci
Tayeb Garci -Credit:ALAN DEMPSEY

“The complainant moved their daughter into her cot and she and the defendant enjoyed the evening drinking, having a takeaway and watching a movie.

“The defendant went to bed and she followed a short time later. He had consumed nearly a litre of vodka and she brought a glass of wine to finish in bed. They had sexual relations before they fell asleep.

“She was awoken by him hitting her to the head and face saying, ‘You’re a s**g like your mother.’ She attempted to leave but he hit her to the side of the head with the wine glass causing it to bleed."

Liverpool Crown Court
Liverpool Crown Court -Credit:Liverpool Echo

Garci’s partner got her daughter out of the cot and took her into the bathroom but Garci kicked the door.

“She was distressed and believed she was in real danger,” said Ms Morley.

“He kicked his way into the bathroom but she managed to slip out past him and went downstairs to the front door. He kicked her to the right knee causing her to fall to the ground.

“He took the child and left the house at 1.30am and remained outside until 6.20am by which time police arrived and found the baby’s feet were purple with cold.”

Tayeb Garci has avoided jail
Tayeb Garci has avoided jail -Credit:Supplied

Garci, of Shawbrook Road, Burnage, claimed his partner had shaken their daughter so he took her out of the house in Macclesfield. The 11-month-old was checked at hospital and found to be alright, the court heard.

Garci made no comment when interviewed by police but later pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm.

The court heard that he has five convictions for six offences and had a suspended prison sentence at the time for criminal damage.

Peter Malone, defending, said that there were mental health issues but Garci is receiving medication.

Judge Stuart Driver, KC, said that the incident happened almost three years ago but most of the delay was because Garci had denied assaulting his partner before eventually changing his plea.

He sentenced him to 10 months imprisonment suspended for 18 months and ordered him to carry out 25 days rehabilitation activities. He also imposed a nine month mental health treatment requirement and a 10 year restraining order.