Site manager wins prestigious quality award

Luke Maggs has won the National House Building Council's Pride in the Job Quality Award <i>(Image: Persimmon)</i>
Luke Maggs has won the National House Building Council's Pride in the Job Quality Award (Image: Persimmon)

A senior site manager at a housing development in Malmesbury has been recognised for his work in home construction.

Luke Maggs, who works for Persimmon Homes at the company's Backbridge Farm site, has scooped the National House Building Council's Pride in the Job Quality Award.

He is one of 19 site managers from Persimmon Homes to bag the award this year, which marks the housebuilder's best performance in almost 15 years.

He said: "I am incredibly proud to receive this award for the work we’ve done at Backbridge Farm.

"This recognition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of my entire team, who deserve as much credit as I do."

He added: "Creating high-quality homes is not just about professional pride; it’s about providing spaces where people can build their lives and feel truly at home.

"I want to share this accolade with my brilliant team at Backbridge, including Elliot and Alan, this has been a collective effort and we will continue to uphold these high standards in all our projects."

He has been part of Persimmon Homes Wessex since January 2019, having originally worked for the company from 2003 to 2016.

After beginning in the industry as a brick layer in the family business, he now has more than 20 years of experience.

Persimmon Homes Wessex is currently developing 201 homes at its Backbridge Farm site, providing a variety of home sizes and architectural styles.

The scheme also features a bridge to provide residents with easy access to Malmesbury town.

The Pride in the Job competition is viewed by many as the highest recognition site managers working in the homebuilding field can receive.

All site managers working on National House Building Council Buildmark warranty-registered sites are eligible for the competition.

Quality Award winners progress to the Seal of Excellence Award stage, with the potential to compete for Regional Awards and ultimately the Pride in the Job Supreme Awards in January 2025.

Julian Roper, regional managing director at Persimmon Homes Wessex, said: "I am delighted for Luke and his team at Backbridge Farm in Malmesbury.

"Luke’s leadership and commitment to quality have been instrumental in delivering homes that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

"It's because of dedicated individuals like Luke that Persimmon Wessex continues to provide high-quality, affordable homes that our customers can trust and enjoy."