Man's 'controversial' take on Wetherspoons sparks debate amongst Brits

Wetherspoons pub
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Wetherspoons pubs are a staple on nearly every British high street.

Famed for its affordable food and drink, Wetherspoons is a popular spot for Brits to grab a quick bite while shopping or enjoy an inexpensive meal or drink in the evening.

One man who enjoys doing just that has sparked a viral debate online after sharing his 'controversial' opinion about the pub chain.

READ MORE: Wetherspoon lifts controversial rule in all pubs ahead of Euro 2024

The chap, known as Cobi, took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his thoughts, stating: "Controversial perhaps but Spoons food is alright. Their pizzas are good. They can do a medium rare steak. This fish and chips aren't bad. Their curry night is decent. You pay far more for far naffer food at some "gastro" pubs."

After being shared on X, the post made its way onto a Facebook meme group, where it quickly went viral, amassing 17,000 likes. Many were eager to weigh in, with the post drawing thousands of comments.

And opinions were split, to say the least.

A fair few agreed with him, with one person commenting: "In my opinion the drink and food deal is great and whilst the food isn't exactly amazing it's still food which is better than nothing in these times."

Another added: "The boneless chicken basket and chips is a winner...had it at a few different spoons and it's always good!"

A third customer praised the establishment, saying: "Really nice how they have an actual allergy guide with listed ingredient's and the staff point you in the direction of the screens. So nice to be able to check the app before you go and have some food with friends with none of the attitude or drama."

Someone else was pleasantly surprised by their meal, writing: "The best bit of steak I have ever had was actually at spoons, never expected it and not had it as good since but that one night the food was amazing."

While another commenter set realistic expectations, writing: "With due respect you don't go to Wetherspoons expecting a Michelin star do you. It's cheap, it's edible and it's quick."

Yet, not everyone shared these sentiments, as one diner remarked: "People who think the food at spoons is decent need to eat at better places. And no, they absolutely cannot cook a medium rare steak, it's either rare or well done, no in between." Echoing this sentiment, another added: "They definitely cannot do a medium rare steak."

Another individual noted a 'decline in quality', saying: "While still good value I do feel the quality is not what it used to be and they have gradually removed a lot of the little extras used to get."

While a particularly harsh critic commented: "I tried it once, never again, possibly the worst meal I've ever attempted to eat. Almost made MacDonalds look vaguely edible, almost. They are a horrible parody of a pub."

Who do you agree with? Let us know in the comments section.