Mapped - whooping cough cases where you live as infections soar in May 2024

New data has been released showing where the epicentres of the whooping cough epidemic are in the UK - and you can use our interactive map to find the latest ones in your area. In the latest information released by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) there have been more than 2,000 cases in two weeks - more than in the entire previous 12 months.

GPs are required to send notifications to the UKHSA every time they diagnose a case of what they believe to be the “100-day cough” due to the seriousness of the illness. The previous week, GPs sent 1,098 notifications to the UKHSA, adding up to more than 2,000 cases in two weeks.

That is more suspected cases of whooping cough than there were all last year (1,728) - with Bristol rates soaring the most. So far this year, as of May 12, there have now been more than 11,000 suspected cases of whooping cough, which is around six times as many as there were all last year.

Whooping cough cases have been rising across England, as well as in many other countries, since December 2023 due to a combination of factors. Whooping cough is a cyclical disease that peaks every 3-5 years. The last cyclical increase occurred in 2016. However, in common with other diseases, cases fell to very low numbers during the pandemic due to restrictions and public behaviours. A peak year is therefore overdue. The impact of the pandemic also means there is reduced immunity in the population.

Use our map below to see how many cases in your region

Whooping cough, clinically known as pertussis, is a bacterial infection which affects the lungs. The first signs of infection are similar to a cold, such as a runny nose and sore throat, but after about a week, the infection can develop into coughing bouts that last for a few minutes and are typically worse at night. Young babies may also make a distinctive ‘whoop’ or have difficulty breathing after a bout of coughing, though not all babies make this noise which means whooping cough can be hard to recognise.

While these notifications are of suspected cases that lab tests have not yet confirmed, they provide an early warning of possible outbreaks. In the last two weeks, more possible cases have been diagnosed in Bristol (102) than anywhere else in England and Wales, followed by Cardiff (43) and then Nottingham (40). Nottingham has seen the most suspected cases all year with 251, followed by Bristol (226) and Cardiff (205).

It comes after the UKHSA confirmed that five babies, who are most at risk of severe complications, died after becoming infected with whooping cough in the first three months of the year. As of March the end of March, 2,993 whooping cough infections have been confirmed by lab tests in England alone so far this year. By the end of March 2023, there had been just 30 lab-confirmed cases.

That also shows that 58% of suspected cases seen by doctors in England up to March were later confirmed by lab tests. Cases have been rising due to a “combination” of factors, including the cyclical nature of the disease and the impact and isolation of the Covid-19 pandemic which led to reduced immunity in the population.

Vaccine uptake has also fallen in recent years - leaving many children unprotected from the infection. Four in 10 expectant mothers do not take the maternal pertussis vaccination, which protects unborn babies from whooping cough, while about one in 12 infants do not receive the 6-in-1 jab by their first birthday.

Monthly lab-confirmed cases of whopping cough

Whooping cough - clinically known as pertussis, but sometimes known as the “100-day cough” due to the length of time it takes to shake it off - is a bacterial infection of the lungs and breathing tubes. It spreads very easily and can sometimes cause serious problems.

Pharmacist Navin Khosla, of NowPatient, said: “For many years, whooping cough has been known as an infection which mainly affects children who haven’t been vaccinated and although cases are still mostly amongst children, whooping cough can infect adults who have been vaccinated, but the protection from the vaccine has started to fade.

“In most cases, whooping cough will present symptoms very similar to a common cold, such as a runny nose and a sore throat, but these symptoms will intensify over the course of a week. Around seven days after being infected with whooping cough, longer coughing bouts will take hold and are most common during the night. As well as this, the intensity of the coughing bouts can cause breathing difficulties and produce thick mucus.

“The best protection against whooping cough is to have children vaccinated and for adults to accept booster vaccines where applicable. However, if you do become infected and experience symptoms including vomiting, difficulty breathing and you notice your face turning red or blue, seek medical attention. In most cases, a course of antibiotics will be prescribed by your GP, but the symptoms could last several weeks or months.”

NHS National Medical Director, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, said: “If you are pregnant and have not been vaccinated yet, or your child is not up-to-date with whooping cough or other routine vaccinations, please contact your GP as soon as possible, and if you or your child show symptoms ask for an urgent GP appointment or get help from NHS 111.”