'Thatcher dies after a strike': The media blunders in coverage of Iron Lady's death

Unfortunately for some media outlets, in the rush to get the news out about Baroness Thatcher's death, some made several embarrassing mistakes.

Blunder: Thailand's Channel 5 showed a picture of Meryl Streep in their tribute to Margaret Thatcher (Twitter)

The media scramble in the wake of Baroness Thatcher's death saw coverage on rolling news channels all over the world.

News of the former Prime Minister's passing was covered in all continents - from across Europe to America, Australia and Asia.

Unfortunately for some media outlets, in the rush to get the news out first, some made several embarrassing blunders in their coverage.

And in the social media age, the mistakes were quickly picked up by eagle-eyed readers and viewers.

Related: British newspapers debate Thatcher's legacy

In Taiwan, a television news station apologised for airing footage of Queen Elizabeth II while reporting the death of Baroness Thatcher.

CTi Cable flashed a headline saying "Margaret Thatcher Dies of Stroke" and showed two clips of the Queen shaking hands with the public. The station apologised last night after viewers criticised it for failing to distinguish between the women.

News producers for Thailand's army-owned Channel 5 apologised for showing actress Meryl Streep's picture in a segment this morning. For nearly two minutes, it displayed Baroness Thatcher's biography alongside a picture of Streep in character for The Iron Lady.

Related: Thatcher funeral next Wednesday

The production team wrote on Facebook later: "We will improve and develop our work more carefully and are deeply sorry."

Close to home, the Guardian appeared a little confused about Margaret Thatcher's obituary - marking on a tribute video that she had infact died in 2010.

Over at the BBC, there were a few raised eyebrows when the Corporation declared that Thatcher died 'following a strike'.