Meet the Glasgow man treking the Great Wall of China for an amazIng cause

(Left to right) Jules Collins, Martin Whelan, Angela Sloan, Sandra Jones and Megan Williams <i>(Image: NSPCC)</i>
(Left to right) Jules Collins, Martin Whelan, Angela Sloan, Sandra Jones and Megan Williams (Image: NSPCC)

A fundraiser will walk 50km along the Great Wall of China to support the vital work done by the NSPCC.

Martin Whelan, 60, is part of a team of 18 staff and volunteers from the charity's counselling service for young people Childline who plan to complete the challenge in September 2025.

The Southside resident, who is taking part in the challenge for the first time, said: “This is a great opportunity to experience the country and culture of a great nation by walking on a landmark with people I respect.

“It’s for a great cause because the NSPCC and Childline strive to support one of the most vulnerable sections of our community.

“I hope I can cope with walking such long distances every day and that my bag’s not too heavy. I’m trying not to overpack.”

The team, known as Tartan Trailblazers, was formed by Sandra Jones, community fundraising manager for NSPCC Scotland, who previously completed the trek in 2018.

(Image: NSPCC)

Sandra, 58, said: “It’s an incredible life-changing experience and the memories from the last time have stayed with me forever. There were no negatives for me.

“This challenge educates, increases self-confidence and esteem, and improves your fitness. For me, it’s the camaraderie that makes it worthwhile. It’s a team effort and everyone supports each other.

“We listen to each other’s stories on the way, so you get to know each other well and make lifelong friends.

“It helps that the scenery is incredible; you’re faced with beautiful blue skies that you can see for miles and autumnal colours. You need to be there to appreciate how breathtaking it is.”

The five-day journey, taking in more than 10,000 uneven steps, will cover the route from the Yan Mountains to the Gubeikou Gateway, including the famous ‘heavenly staircase’.

The day starts at 7am and participants will be exposed to different weather conditions every day.

The proceeds raised will support NSPCC services like Childline, adult Helpline, and educational programmes aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect.

For young people in need of help, Childline can be reached at 0800 1111 or visited at

Meanwhile, adults worried about a child can get in touch with the NSPCC Helpline via 0808 800 5000 or