Meet three humanoid robots built to mimic real life

STORY: Meet three humanoid robots built to mimic real life


Location: Tokyo, Japan

This child-like robot is helping to train pediatric dentists in Japan

by mimicking a child's response to dental treatment

Pedia_Roid can simulate signs of a medical emergency

such as convulsion and heart failure

air cylinders within the robot's joints move its entire body, mouth and tongue

[Yusuke Ishii is the engineering division director of Tmsuk]

"The medical workers really need to experience medical emergencies. It is important that they experience a situation where something goes wrong, and that's what it can simulate."


‘Ameca’ was built to have highly engaging human facial gestures

using ground-breaking advancements in AI and motor movement

[Morgan Roe, Engineered Arts Director of Operations]

"That was our aim, was to make the most expressive robot possible.”

The robot has 17 motors in its head alone

"It's unlikely we'll see something like this in people's homes in the next couple of decades. But we will see them in areas like receptions, maybe in a hotel, shopping malls, or airports. So you go into an airport, you don't know where you're going, you can't find anyone to help you but Ameca is there, so you're going to go and ask the robot."


Ai-Da is a hyper-realistic AI ‘robot artist’

with drawing arms and multiple algorithms

This was her in Egypt exhibiting her art

[Aidan Meller, Modern art specialist]

“So Ai-Da has actually made this sculpture with her hands in clay. It's an astonishing, pioneering technique. She literally had to put gloves (on) because she's electric. And electric and water doesn't go well together. So we had to put her hands actually in clay. So all the marks that you see on this astonishing sculpture have all have been done by the fingers of Ai-Da.”