Met Office experts forecast next sunny day in London after miserable days of rain

Sunny days will come back to London
Sunny days will come back to London -Credit:JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP

Experts at the Met Office have predicted the next sunny day in London, after days of miserable and gloomy weather. The city has been subjected to several downpours over the last 24 hours or so, with heavy rain on Tuesday (May 21) and more rain expected today (May 22).

But the sun will come back out again - it's just going to take a bit of time, according to the Met Office. The weather forecaster has said the next day with sun expected will be Saturday, May 25.

The Met Office's weather description for the day says: "Sunny changing to cloudy in the afternoon". Currently, there is a full sun expected at 7am and 10am that day, with clouds coming in from around 1pm - though sunny intervals are still expected.

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The temperature will reach highs of 21C towards the end of the afternoon. BBC Weather agrees with this forecast, though suggests clouds may appear slightly earlier, from around 9am.

However, the rival weather forecaster has said there might be some sun the previous day, Friday May 24. But there isn't much sun inside the BBC's forecast - just a few hours between 6am and 9am - though again with likely cloud cover.

That day, there may also be some sunny intervals in the evening, but mostly the day will be cloudy, which is what the Met Office has forecasted. The Met Office's outlook for Friday to Sunday is: "Becoming drier and brighter by Friday. Feeling warmer at the weekend with sunshine and the odd thundery shower. Light winds."

But it's going to be a temperamental time weather-wise in London over the next few weeks, with a mix of showers and warm sunshine, the Met Office says.

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