Miss SA guru Werner Wessels gives 4 tips to take the perfect selfie

Miss SA guru Werner Wessels gives 4 tips to take the perfect selfie

Johannesburg – Let’s face it, no one takes a better selfie than a beauty queen. Seriously, have you been on Adé van Heerden's Instagram page lately?

If you want to learn the tricks of the trade, we’ve got you covered.

Speaking to The Juice, creative consultant for the Miss South Africa pageant Werner Wessels shared a few pro tips with us on how you can get the perfect picture every single time.

Sunday marks 60 years of the Miss South Africa pageant. Watch the pageant at 17:00 on M-Net (DStv 101) and Mzansi Magic (DStv 161).

1. Find the light

“Always find good lighting,” Werner advises.

“A lot of people take pictures wanting to showcase the background and that’s usually where the light is coming from – so turn around. The background may not be as great as you want it, but at the end of the day people are looking at you. I always say turn your face towards the light.”

2. Camera positioning is key

Many people tend to take selfies from high above, but Werner says keeping the camera just above eye level is always a good place to start.

“Do not take it from below, but also do not take it from above all the time. Take it just a little bit above center (the eye-line), that’s always a good angle.”

3. Practice your angles

“See what works for you, what you look great in and what makes you feel great, and then try and emulate that whenever you are taking a picture," says Werner.

He adds: "Make sure that you are standing up straight when you take a full-length picture, and also try and find different ways of posing.”

4. Don’t forget to smile

Werner says: “Always a great smile. Open, big smile, that always works.”