MLAs to bring forward motion for Baby Loss Certificate scheme

Stormont -Credit:Justin Kernoghan/Belfast Live

A DUP MP has called on the Health Minister to progress the introduction of baby loss certificates "as a priority".

Carla Lockhart wrote to the Minister in February on the potential introduction in Northern Ireland. The Upper Bann MP said the Minister confirmed he is working with the Department of Health in England in relation to the issue.

Speaking after launching an online petition on the issue Mrs Lockhart said: "A baby loss certificate is a tangible way to formally recognise the incredibly painful loss of a baby.

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"We have seen their introduction in England and I would encourage the Minister locally to prioritise the roll-out of this scheme in Northern Ireland also.

"It is not a compulsory system and so it provides the choice for bereaved parents to recognise the loss they have suffered. Campaigners have been pressing for its introduction in both Wales and Northern Ireland.

"I welcome the Minister’s engagement with colleagues in England and hope that he will progress work on this as a priority.

"I have launched a petition and would encourage people to sign that and show their support for the introduction of this scheme to Northern Ireland. It is difficult to envisage that there should be prohibitive costs in either introducing and operating the scheme, but it is obviously important that we can take on board any lessons from its introduction in England.

"I hope he Minister will take note of the public support for introducing baby loss certificates and I will continue to press for action in this area."

First Minister Michelle O'Neill also pledged her support for the scheme.

Stormont Assembly
First Minister Michelle O'Neill -Credit:PA Wire/PA Images

In a statement issued this week, Ms O'Neill said: "Many families have been impacted by the devastating loss of a baby during pregnancy, and officially acknowledging that baby is hugely significant.

"Sinn Féin is bringing a motion to the Assembly on the development of a Baby Loss Certificate scheme to ensure that bereaved parents can have an official document acknowledging a baby lost during pregnancy before 24 weeks.

"Finance Minister Caoihme Archibald has now also started working with other parties in the Executive to begin developing the scheme.

"All parties should work together on this important scheme which will help to provide some solace to families during an incredibly challenging time."

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