Monty Don's tip to prolong flowers in hanging baskets for months using one item

A hanging basket with pink flowers
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

Hanging flower baskets are a brilliant way to inject some colour into your garden, but keeping them lush during the summer can be a bit of a challenge.

Gardening guru Monty Don has revealed that hanging baskets often perish in the heat because they lose moisture more quickly when exposed, but he's got a nifty trick to help them thrive.

In his column for the Daily Mail, Monty said: "Bear in mind that baskets dry out much faster than pots, let alone borders, and doubly so if exposed to wind. There are two things you can do to mitigate this."

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Monty's first tip is to invest in a watering lance, which is a long-handled tool perfect for reaching "high awkward places."

But for those who'd rather not splash out on new gadgets, Monty also offers an alternative using good old-fashioned gardening know-how, reports the Express.

He said: "Plant the basket to retain as much moisture as possible without it getting water-logged. Start off by balancing it on an empty bucket as your work surface.

"Line the bottom of the basket and part of the way up the sides with moss preferably collected from your garden. This will retain the compost and hold moisture."

While dealing with moss on lawns can be a headache, it turns out that moss is superb at retaining water and gradually releasing it, which is exactly what your hanging baskets need.

Not only does moss store water effectively, but it also acts as an insulator for the soil in the basket, helping to keep your plants cool during hot spells and slowing down evaporation.

Monty said: "You may find that evergreen clippings, such as the soft growth of conifers, helps bind it together.

"Place a recycled piece of plastic over the moss to help retain moisture, but be sure to pierce it in a few places to allow some drainage."

To keep your blooms thriving and moist, consider using peat-free compost and homemade leaf mulch. These not only provide your plants with water but are also light enough for hanging baskets.

It's important to line the sides of your basket with moss and protect the plant roots with compost to prevent soil erosion, which is often caused by water escaping too quickly from the basket instead of being absorbed.

In hot conditions, it's crucial to check your flower basket daily. A simple touch test sticking your finger into the soil will tell you if watering is necessary to maintain healthy flowers.

Watering hanging flowers in the morning is usually more effective, as it allows the plant ample time to soak up moisture before the afternoon sun potentially evaporates much of it.

Monty added: "Do not water your basket until it is hung in position, otherwise it will be heavy and awkward, and then give it a generous soak. Finally, water and deadhead spent blooms daily to ensure a long-lasting display."

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