The Morning Show Season 3 Is Embracing Its Soap Opera Side, And I Can't Get Enough

 Reese Witherspoon in The Morning Show Season 3.
Reese Witherspoon in The Morning Show Season 3.

The streaming wars have been in full effect for years, each service having its own handful of megahits. Apple TV+ is no exception, and one of its biggest original shows is definitely The Morning Show, which stars Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon alongside an all-star cast. Season 3 of The Morning Show is really embracing its soap opera side, and I can’t get enough. Give me all the drama and twists!

We’re currently a handful of episodes into Season 3 of The Morning Show, which is available with an Apple TV+ subscription. And if those running the show heard any discourse about it being soap opera-adjacent, it definitely didn’t dissuade them. Instead it feels like the show is leaning more into that concept. Case in point: Bradley Jackson’s journey to space.

That’s right, Reese Witherspoon has officially gone to space, at least in her current TV role. In the first episode she takes Alex’s place and does a brief tour in space while reporting live on television. It’s all delightfully bonkers, and shows that The Morning Show isn’t afraid of taking risks. Why jump the shark when you can jump the planet? The sequence also featured a fake out where it looked like perhaps Bradley had died in space. Because of course.

The concept of unnecessary space travel has become somewhat of a trope lately, one that cinephiles use to poke fun at franchises. There were a ton of jokes about the Fast franchise going to space, and the chatter got so loud that Vin Diesel and company actually did it. And The Morning Show also got in on the fun, in slightly more realistic circumstances. After all, these quick tours to space became commonplace for celebrities like William Shatner. And it makes sense that a major news organization would want to cover this firsthand.

Jennifer Aniston in The Morning Show
Jennifer Aniston in The Morning Show

Of course, Bradley’s space experience wasn’t the only example of soap opera-esque circumstances in the show’s third season (so far). Another episode saw the electricity at the UBA cut out, with the cast of characters concerned there was an active shooter in the building. But it soon becomes clear that their system has been hacked, compromising everyone’s personal information. The dramatic nature of the lockdown was super tense, before it was revealed that no one was actually in danger in the building. Except for Bradley’s reputation that is.

Since we’re still fairly early into Season 3 of The Morning Show, smart money says more over the dramatic theatrics are going to be coming in the forthcoming weeks. The show’s penchant for examining current events a year or so later is effective, and also means that just about anything could be referenced. Hopefully if they return to space the visual effects will be just a little bit more convincing.

The Morning Show airs new episodes Wednesday on Apple TV+. Be sure to check out the TV premiere list to plan your next binge watch