MP candidate recognised by the King for services to Norfolk community

Independent candidate Paco Davila <i>(Image: Paco Davila)</i>
Independent candidate Paco Davila (Image: Paco Davila)

An election candidate who was named in the King's New Year Honours list hopes to become one of parliament's few independent MPs.

Francisco Davila, also known as Paco, who is standing in South Norfolk, was awarded the Bar to the Medal of the Order of the British Empire (BEM) for services to the community in Wymondham in December.

Mr Davila advocates for children's rights and victims of domestic violence, and has been running campaigns for more than 30 years.

He said: "I believe independents like myself, who hold great respect for the community are closer than ever to changing the state of affairs.

"I am not a career politician, but I believe that the truth must prevail in politics. We can't expect any change if we don't change the way we vote."

Paco Davila pictured outside Buckingham Palace (Image: Paco Davila)

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The father-of-three moved to the UK from Peru to study psychology at the University of East Anglia.

If elected as MP in South Norfolk, Mr Davila says he would campaign for more apprenticeship opportunities, better university access for young people and affordable housing.

He is standing against Lib Dem candidate Chris Brown, Labour's Ben Goldsborough, Reform UK's Chris Harrison, SDP candidate Jason Maguire, the Green's Catherine Rowett and Conservative candidate Poppy Simister-Thomas.