Mum with 'misdiagnosed' cancer urges people to look out for one particular symptom

Claire Blair poses with her family at Disneyland
-Credit: (Image: Claire Blair/Cover Images)

A single mother is facing the fight of her life against pancreatic cancer and is calling on others to be aware of the disease's warning signs.

Claire Blair, 44, received her diagnosis in September 2022 after a six-month period of misdiagnosed symptoms following her initial GP visit.

The delay in correct diagnosis and crucial test results meant the cancer spread from her pancreas to her liver, leading to the devastating moment she had to inform her teenage son Thomas, 14, and pre-teen daughter Aimee, who will celebrate her 12th birthday in July.

Now, Claire, an administrative coordinator from Inverkeithing, Fife, is determined to raise awareness about the early signs of pancreatic cancer that she experienced.

"I first went to the GP in March 2022, I had a few symptoms then," said Claire. "I was rapidly losing weight. I was doing Slimming World but at the time even if I ate junk for a whole week, I would still lose a lot of weight every week.

"(I had) constipation as well as pains in my tummy. That started that March and the doctor referred me straight away to a bowel specialist."

Initially suspected of having bowel cancer by the specialist, it wasn't until this was discounted that a CT scan uncovered an abnormality on her pancreas, with a biopsy later confirming the presence of tumours.

Looking back, Claire identifies persistent stomach pain as her earliest symptom and strongly advises anyone with similar experiences to consult their doctor. "It was like a throbbing pain. It was there constantly," she recounted.

Claire, reflecting on her experience, realised that persistent stomach pain was her very first symptom and has since encouraged others with similar sensations to consult their doctor. She shared, "It didn't go away no matter how many paracetamols or co-codamol or anything," she said. "It just wouldn't go away."

She highlighted a critical issue, stating, "With pancreatic cancer, a lot of GPs don't know the symptoms. So they are trying to get GPs to understand what the early symptoms are, because for most people, by the time they get these symptoms it's too late."

Pancreatic cancer impacts approximately 10,500 individuals in the UK annually. While it can be treated successfully through surgery if caught early, there is a pressing need for early diagnosis to prevent the spread to other vital organs. Regrettably, no screening or early detection tests currently exist to aid doctors in diagnosing the condition.

The pancreas, nestled just behind the stomach, is crucial for producing enzymes that aid digestion and insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can often be mistaken for less severe health issues, leading to a distressingly late diagnosis where around 50% of patients pass away within three months of discovering the cancer.

Claire Blair poses with her family
Claire Blair poses with her family

Claire's battle with cancer took a turn for the worse due to delayed test results, which cost her the opportunity for potentially life-saving surgery. "They had originally told me that I would get the results within two weeks, but it actually turned into seven weeks," she shared.

"By that point it had spread to my liver. I had originally been told that I could get surgery to remove it from the pancreas. But it was too late."

After undergoing an intense chemotherapy regimen bi-weekly for four months, Claire was left feeling extremely unwell. Initially, the treatment appeared to be working; by May of the previous year, her scans showed no signs of the tumours. Tragically, a routine check-up in February brought the heartbreaking news that her cancer had made a comeback.

"They had arranged for me to get the same chemotherapy as I had done before, but I took a really bad reaction to it and ended up in the high dependency ward for a couple of days," Claire recounted. She is now on chemotherapy tablets to manage the growth of the tumour, but there's a looming uncertainty about their long-term efficacy.

In an effort to raise awareness and support others, Claire has become the face of Pancreatic Cancer UK's 2024 Double Donation Appeal. Through this campaign, any contributions to Pancreatic Cancer UK until 2 July will be matched by generous donors, up to a total of £170,000. The appeal is crucial for funding new treatments for pancreatic cancer, which shockingly receives only 3% of the annual cancer research budget.

Claire features in a new YouTube video by the charity, alongside Gavin and Stacey star Alison Steadman, as part of a fundraising drive for the condition.

"It's one of the deadliest cancers and one of the most underfunded as well which is why we are trying to get it more recognised," Claire explains. "If I can help even one person to get in there and get diagnosed as early as possible (it will help). I'm really, really honoured to be asked and to take part in the Double Donation Appeal. If you have any of the symptoms, go and get it checked as soon as possible."

Despite her diagnosis, Claire is focusing on quality time with her family, creating cherished memories. "My daughter is great. She's like me and gets on with it," Claire says. "My son, though, he took it really bad. He's been struggling."

She advises against relying on online information: "When you Google it, it's not good reading. So we're trying to encourage him not to read things on the internet. He's getting there. He still comes home every lunchtime to check on me."

Looking ahead, Claire shares plans for a family trip, saying: "We are looking at going to Greece at the end of September, me and the kids. To go to Rhodes. We've never been there. The forecast says it will still be in the late 20s in September. So I will take them there."

Pancreatic Cancer UK provides vital support through their Support Line, staffed by specialist nurses, offering expert, confidential advice and information. For further support, call free on 0808 801 0707 or visit the Pancreatic UK website for support.