Tom Cruise 'In Talks' Over Star Wars Cameo

Tom Cruise 'In Talks' Over Star Wars Cameo

Tom Cruise is reportedly in talks to make a cameo appearance in JJ Abrams' Star Wars: Epsiode VII film.

The Edge Of Tomorrow star has been in London for the last week and is thought to have met the director and other production staff from the film.

Star Wars: Episode VII has begun filming at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire and is due for release at Christmas in 2015.

Cruise and Abrams worked together on Mission: Impossible 5, which is also due to hit cinemas late next year.

The Sun reported that the pair met at a London hotel to discuss Cruise making an appearance in the star-studded film.

Filming has suffered a blow after Harrison Ford, who reprises his role as Han Solo, broke his left leg on the set and is not likely to be back at work for several months.

Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill are also returning to the big screen, alongside Lupita Nyong'o and Girls star Adam Driver.

The plot of Episode VII has been kept a secret but it takes place 30 years after the end of Return Of The Jedi.

Cruise made a spoof appearance in the film Tropic Thunder in 2008 where he wore a fat suit to play studio executive Les Grossman.

The actor's representative has not responded to a request for a comment.