Nicola Sturgeon calls for another referendum vote - 'Scotland needs an independent future’

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has made calls again for a second referendum. (GETTY)
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has made calls again for a second referendum. (GETTY)

Nicola Sturgeon has claimed an increase in support for Scottish independence would force the UK government to back a new referendum.

The SNP leader has constantly backed a new vote on independence before the next Holyrood elections in 2021, however the UK government has never agreed.

Ms Sturgeon is expected to tell a SNP conference in Edinburgh that polls have shown increased support for independence, and that “our job now is to get it surging, and ensure that no Tory government can ever stand in the way of Scotland’s right to choose”.

According to a YouGov poll, the support for a yes vote among Scottish people has increased to a four-year high.

Nicola Sturgeon has declared it is ‘time for Scotland to become independent’
Nicola Sturgeon has declared it is ‘time for Scotland to become independent’

Ms Sturgeon will tell her party’s members that “Scotland needs the choice of a better future – an independent future”.

The leader of the SNP will say: “The UK government says it will block Scotland’s right to choose. A right to choose mandated in not just one but two Scottish elections. And endorsed by the Scottish parliament.”

The Scotland’s First Minister will refer to a recent poll, which shows that support for independence has risen to 49 percent.

Ms Sturgeon will say: “The Tories say they and not the people of Scotland will decide. They say Westminster should have a veto.

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“Their only friends in Parliament are the Democratic Unionist Party. Well, if they’re not careful, this generation of Tories will go down in history as the Undemocratic Unionist Party.”

Last week, David Lidington, the PM’s de facto deputy, made it clear that there would be no second referendum, saying: “We don’t see any evidence that there’s a demand from the people of Scotland for changing the decision they took in 2014.”